



  • She 's a right old witch .

    她是个不折不扣的 老妖

  • ' She 's a witch ! 'one of the men said quietly .

    她是个 女巫!一个男人轻声说。

  • You witch you have driven me mad !

    这个 巫婆,我被你弄疯了!

  • They say she died after a witch cast a spell on her .

    他们说她是被一个 女巫施了魔法后死的。

  • The witch charmed the prince .


  • Have you got my tinderbox ? @ asked the old witch .

    “拿到我的火绒箱了吗?”老 巫婆问。

  • Where are you running ? Am I a witch ?

    你们往哪儿跑?我是一个 巫婆吗?

  • And the mirror told the witch about this .

    镜子也告诉了 女巫这一点。

  • I am the witch . I will satisfy three of your wishes if you help me .

    我是 女巫,如果你帮助了我我就会满足你的三个愿望。

  • The witch put a curse on the princess .


  • Uncle Andrew and the Witch did not join in .

    安德鲁舅舅和 女巫没有加入进去。

  • I already told you my mother is a witch .

    我早告诉过你,我妈妈是个 女巫

  • It 's a place with talking animals an evil witch and a noble lion-ruler !

    这是一个描写能说话的动物,一个邪恶的 巫婆和高贵的狮王统治者的地方。

  • The witch put a curse on her .


  • So you aren 't a witch ?

    那么你不是一个 巫婆

  • The prince is marrying the sea witch in disguise !

    王子要和 女巫伪装的人结婚!

  • The old witch pulled him up and he was back on the road again .


  • Witch : ( Crying ) I hate my feet !


  • She knows that the witch will cook her .

    因为她知道 巫婆会煮了她。

  • Players can Pevensies and her allies as well as the White Witch and her accomplice between choosing one .

    玩家可在Pevensies和她的盟友,以及白 和她的帮凶间选择其一。

  • The witch put a curse on him .


  • She sees some nice lettuce in the witch 's garden .

    看到了 巫婆的花园里种了几颗漂亮的莴苣。

  • I think the witch cast a spell on me . I 've been turned into a frog .

    我认为那 女巫在我身上下了一个符咒。我被变成一个青蛙了。

  • I have the following question witch is related to this article .

    我有以下问题, 巫婆是与此相关的文章。

  • People say she 's a witch .

    人们都说她是个 女巫

  • The Witch is dead . All the stories agree on that .


  • The witch doctors were bedizened in all their gaudiest costumes .


  • The witch put a curse on the prince and be became a frog .


  • The witch was burned to death .

    那个 女巫烧死了。

  • The witch cast a spell that turned him into a frog .

    女巫 了个咒语,把他变成了青蛙。