

v.风趣( wit的过去式和过去分词 )善于说俏皮话的能力心智才智

  • Wuhan Institute of Shipbuilding Technology ( WIST ) was founded in1950 .

    武汉船舶职业技术学院( )成立于1950年。

  • You are to be congratulated on your wist decision .

    应该祝贺你 作出明智的决定。

  • I 'm getting wist to her tricks now .

    现在我渐渐 识破了她的花招。

  • And he that was healed wist not who it was : for Jesus had conveyed himself away a multitude being in that place .

    那医好的人不 知道是谁,因为那里的人多,耶稣已经躲开了。

  • And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him .


  • WIST adheres to the guideline of being based upon shipbuilding industry serving the military industry and being oriented towards the need of society .


  • But said she I wist that all their pleasure in the park is but a shadow to the pleasure I find in Plato .

    她却 回答说:我 觉得他们在 猎苑 狩猎得到的乐趣与我读柏拉图所得到的乐趣相比乃是 微不足道的。

  • Then said Paul I wist not brethren that he was the high priest : for it is written Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people .

    保罗说,弟兄们,我不 晓得他是大祭司。经上记 说,不可 毁谤你百姓的官长。

  • Introduction on the Prescription of Spring-grip Promoting the Wist Injury

    握力器运动处方对 腕部损伤治疗过程的初步研究

  • According to the experiment on the 24 students of Beijing Sport University we discovered that the prescription of the Spring-Grip can promote the wist injury .

    根据对北京体育大学教育学院24名同学的实验研究发现:握力器运动处方促进了 腕部损伤的治疗。