white nuclei

[hwaɪt ˈnukliˌaɪ][hwait ˈnju:kliai]

[医] 白核(下橄榄核的白心)

  • The presence of an abnormally large number of white blood cells with single nuclei in the bloodstream . Laboratory tests show polymorphonuclear leukocytosis .

    单细胞增多症血液中单 血细胞的异常增多实验表明多型核白细胞增多。

  • The effect of white noise on activity of nitric oxide synthase in cochlear nuclei of guinea pigs

    噪声对豚鼠耳蜗 一氧化氮合酶活性的影响

  • The change of skull MRI was mainly in white matter of frontal lobe and single or multiple infarction in watershed and basal nuclei .

    头颅MRI改变主要表现为额叶 质损害及主要分布在分水岭、 基底的单发或多发的腔隙性梗死。

  • White blood cells show no spindling or abnormal nuclei .

    细胞未见细长,也没有异常 核型

  • North following star In the same way ultraviolet photons from accretion disks around white dwarfs and in active galactic nuclei or quasars may also accelerate winds from the disk .

    同样地,来自 矮星、跃星系 或类星体吸积盘的紫外光光子,或许也能够加速从圆盘吹出的风。

  • These colonies were then stained for 1 to 3 min. with DAPI ( 5ug / mL ) and Calcoflour white ( 0.001 % ) respectively and the nuclei Cell wall and septa of rust hyphae could be easily detected under flourescent microscope .

    菌落经荧光染料DAPI(5μg/mL)和Calcoflour White(0.001%)分别染色1~3min后,菌丝的 细胞核、壁、隔膜在荧光显微镜下易于观察辩认。

  • The white matter and / or gray matter nuclei mass abnormal intensity was more obviously in PS than in PD ;

    质或灰质 的异常信号,在PS组明显多于PD组;

  • The lesions located in white matter of cerebral hemisphere diffusely in 5 cases ( mainly involved in subcortical arcuate fibers ) bilateral cerebellar dentate nuclei in 4 cases thalamus and globus pallidus in 3 cases respectively .

    5例均广泛累及两侧大脑半球 质(累及皮层下弓形纤维为主)。累及两侧齿状 4例,丘脑、苍白球受累各3例。