

vt.& vi.(使某物)变白或更白

  • Able to effectively even the skin color whiten the skin and enable it to be smooth and elastic .

    有效均衡肤色, 美白肌肤,使肌肤光滑,有弹性。

  • Whiten and moisturize skin with outstanding cleaning effect recover skin to natural gloss .

    可在洁净肌肤的同时, 美白滋润肌肤,使肌肤 瞬间恢复自然色泽。

  • Beautify and whiten skin reduce melanin supplement moisture and make skin white delicate and elastic .


  • The non-destructive technique used in this study could inform research to preserve and even whiten ancient texts and art .

    这项研究中使用的非破坏性技术有助于研究如何保持甚至将古代典籍和作品 重新

  • Used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge .

    用于 漂白衣物或头发,或使其带上淡蓝色。

  • The twilight had begun to whiten what was on high and to blacken all below .

    暮色的 残晖正开始 上面的东西 ,下面的东西变黑。

  • I must whiten my tennis shoes .

    我必须 刷白我的网球鞋。

  • In the case of pixels an overflow of light would whiten the image .

    对于象素来说,光线的溢出会 使得图像 发白

  • Compacting essence can fine pores brighten and whiten the skin and make the skin more elastic .

    紧致精华则可细致毛孔,用后 肌肤 光亮 洁白,富有弹性。

  • Her knuckles whiten as she clenches her hands harder .

    她的手握得越来越紧,指节都 了。

  • Foot guard essence : It contains bio-grease VE VB and the other active factors . It can repair xerosis cutis whiten and protect skin .

    护足精华素:含生物脂、VE、vb等多元活力因子,能修护皮肤干燥皲裂、 美白护肤。

  • Whiten or clean with pipe-clay as of leather . Expression and Identification of the Endostatin-HSA Fusion Protein

    用管土 漂白皮革制品。内皮抑素&人血清白蛋白融合蛋白的表达及鉴定

  • Vitamin C can dilute melanin and quickly whiten the skin .

    维C能淡化黑色素, 肌肤迅速 增白

  • Accelerate cells reproduce soften skin keep the skin wet and whiten .

    促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层, 补充 水分滋养 美白,令肌肤亮泽而 富有 弹性

  • What good method can make the skin whiten ?

    有什么好方法可以让皮肤 啊?

  • Ingredients : natural herbage whiten essence green tea extracts wild chrysanthemum aloe constringe agency ets .

    成份:天然本草 美白精华、绿茶提取液、野菊花、芦荟、收敛剂等。

  • Hydrogen peroxide naturally disinfects your mouth and will also help whiten your teeth .

    双氧水可以为你的口腔消毒,并 美白牙齿。

  • Fighting becomes unnecessary unless the light is glaring enough to whiten the black in our eyes .

    除非光亮到 刺眼,把黑的也 看成 的,那就 不用斗了。

  • PROBLEMS : These contain more dentine to make them stronger so they are difficult to whiten .

    问题:因为富含牙本质,所以犬牙也非常的坚固,但却也非常难以 达到 洁白 光亮 效果

  • Though heavily advertised these only partially whiten teeth and don 't provide a complete remedy .

    虽然这类美白 牙膏的广告很多,但它们 通常具备部分的 美白 功效而没有提供彻底的美白方案。

  • The hydrogen peroxide will naturally help to whiten your teeth .

    双氧水可以自然地 美白你的牙齿。

  • Days let you drink a slim whiten and more beautiful .

    天让您喝出苗条身材、 美白更动人。

  • Whiten or clean with pipe-clay as of leather .

    用管土 漂白皮革制品。

  • The sea was blue in the fetid bubbles floating around groups whiten of marine life to die ;

    在本该一片蔚蓝海洋上飘浮着发臭的泡沫, 泛白的海洋生物在成群地死去;

  • The mineral elements of the bamboo salt have a high whitening effect can dilute and decompose the melanin so as to quickly whiten the skin .


  • A dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons . Vitamin C can dilute melanin and quickly whiten the skin .

    一种主要含碳氢化合物的黑色的油。维C能淡化黑色素, 肌肤迅速 增白

  • I wield the flail of the lashing hail And whiten the green plains under .

    我挥动冰雹的 连枷绿色的原野捶打得有如银装素裹;

  • Properties : softly thoroughly remove dead epidermal cells whiten skin .

    特点:柔和的祛除皮肤表层死细胞, 嫩白肌肤。

  • The naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acids will help to gently whiten and brighten and leave you looking good .

    天然的-羟基酸的产生会帮助 牙齿,让你更 神采奕奕