


  • This paper gives the results of Whooper Swan ( Cygnus cygnus ) census in winter from 1988 to 1992 in Bayan Bulag Region ( 83 ° 40 ' - 84 ° 45'E 42 ° 40 ' - 43 ° 05'N an elevation of 2500m ) .

    本文提供了从1988年末至1992年初在新疆巴音布鲁克高山盆地内对 天鹅(Cygnuscygnus)越冬调查的结果。

  • Observation on the Breeding Habit of Whooper Swan in the Semi-natural Environment

    散养状态下 天鹅繁殖习性的观察

  • The total of Whooper Swans was 250 to 400 from Nov. to Dec. and about 100 from Jan. to Feb. ( Tab . 1 ) .

    地区每年1112月有250400 天鹅 滞留,12月 数量 下降到100 左右。

  • The karyotype of whooper swan


  • Whooper who lives at a country club close to the island 's airport lost his partner two years ago .

    天鹅在两年前 丧偶,他所在的乡村俱乐部临近泽西岛的飞机场。

  • I really liked the Whooper Swan picture in the nature category which was shot for National Geographic magazine .

    我非常欣赏 华勃斯万为国家地理杂志拍摄的自然类照片。

  • Lagoonal wetland flora in whooper swan ( Cygnus cygnus ) nature reserve in Rongcheng of Shandong

    荣成 天鹅自然保护区泻湖湿地植物区系