white thrombus

[hwaɪt ˈθrɑmbəs][hwait ˈθrɔmbəs]


  • The excessive activation of platelet the initial tethering of leucocytes at sites of vascular injury and the aggregation between platelets with platelets or white cells exerted critical influence during the formation of thrombus .

    其中血小板的活化、 细胞在炎症因子作用下向血管损伤部位的趋化游走以及与血小板之间的聚集、结合,是 血栓形成的重要起始环节。

  • In the experimental group there were light edema around neurons light swelling of white matter change of micrangium thrombus less glial cells obvious micrangium recanalization and few apoptotic cells .

    实验组神经元周围水肿减轻, 质肿胀减轻,微血管 血栓改变,胶质细胞出现少,有明显微血管再通,细胞凋亡数少。