


  • The spirit consists in whole-hearted devotion to public interests .

    这种精神就是 一心为公。

  • It needs strong whole-hearted desire for a life wholly given up to Him .

    要过一种完全降服神的生活,就需要一个刚强而 全心的愿望。

  • Service tenet : sincere service the pursuit of perfect whole-hearted service and create value ;

    服务宗旨:至诚服务、追求完美、 用心服务、共创价值;

  • With this appeal I give you the pledge that all of us who are officers of your government will devote ourselves to the same whole-hearted extent to the great task that lies ahead .

    我发出这个号召的时候,也向你们保证,我们身为政府官员的所有人员也将同样 全心全意 献身于当前这项艰巨的任务。

  • Service commitment : strives for perfection whole-hearted service rain or shine .

    服务承诺:精益求精, 用心服务,风雨无阻。

  • Her works are loaded with whole-hearted concern for the secular life philosophical consideration about human 's fate and persistent efforts to build a spiritual world in her novel art .

    她的作品承载着 作家对世俗生活的 悉心关怀、对人类命运的哲学性思考和对小说构筑心灵世界这个 目标的不懈追求。

  • Along the increasing market demands we continuously satisfy our customers by renovating equipments inaugurating technology whole-hearted employees and knight service .

    随着市场的需求,本公司以不断更新设备,创新技术, 敬业的员工和优质服务来满足客户。

  • In one word it means a simple whole-hearted acceptance of Christ as Lord and Master heart and life wholly His .

    简言之,这要求我们简单 全心的接受基督为主,并 我们 服事的主人,因为 我们的心和生命完全是祂的。

  • Like so many of his contemporaries Twain was not whole-hearted in his praise of industrialism .

    马克·吐温如同他许多同时代的人,在赞扬工业 文明 时候,有 三心二意

  • Its focal points analyze the major problems and their solutions facing SOE workers class under modern enterprise institution correct treatment of Three Relations stress on Three Keys and adherence on Four Systems when specifically realizing the guideline of whole-hearted reliance on workers class .

    重点分析了现代企业制度下国有企业职工所面临的主要问题及其解决途径,在具体落实 全心全意依靠工人阶级的方针方面必须正确处理好三个关系、突出三个重点、坚持四个制度。

  • Shortcut : Promise the first time arrived at the scene whole-hearted for your sake solve your urgent needs .

    快捷:承诺第一时间抵达现场, 全心为您着想,解您燃眉之急。

  • Bruce Sewell Senior Vice President of Apple Inc. said at the conference that the development of Internet is based on trust and whole-hearted cooperation is needed between government and all companies related .

    苹果全球高级副总裁BruceSewell在互联网大会上说,互联网的发展要以信任为基础,并且需要政府间以及所有相关公司的 全心合作。

  • You have our whole-hearted support .

    你会得到我们 全心全意的支持。

  • Due to its whole-hearted devotion to the duty the Red-cross of China 's work has achieved considerable effect taking down a bright page in the history of the Red-cross of China .

    该会 克尽职守,其救护工作取得了可观成效,在中国红十字运动史上留下光彩一页。

  • Discussion on the Relationship between the Whole-hearted Failure and the Viscera from the Five Elements Theory

    从五行学说探讨 全心衰竭与脏腑的关系

  • How about a nice whole-hearted shit ?


  • As men are so earnest in seeking to carry out God 's plans for the natural world so God 's children should be at least as whole-hearted in seeking to bring Christ 's love to all mankind .

    人如此迫切于实现神对于世界的计划,照样神的儿女也必须要 全心的设法使基督的爱 临到世人。

  • Team spirit-be whole-hearted and emphasize team work .

    团结是指 齐心齐力,重视团队合作,以达永续 经营

  • You have my whole-hearted support .


  • His devotion to his master had been not only whole-hearted but cautious and wise .

    他对他的主人的忠诚不但是 一心一意的,而且是谨慎的,聪明的。

  • But after a three-hour long talk with Hamas officials earlier in the day and photos circulating of the ex-US president being embraced by a Hamas official Mr. Carter seemed to have whole-hearted support by the mostly Arab audience he spoke to .

    但是,在跟哈玛斯官员举行了三个小时的会谈,以及卡特前总统受到一个哈玛斯官员拥抱的照片流传开来之后,卡特似乎受到了大部分是阿拉伯人的听众的 全心支持。

  • It deserves the whole-hearted backing of scientists governments and the private sector says the editorial .

    它理应获得科学家、政府和私营部门的 大力支持。

  • Shengda adhere to the spirit of best state to work whole-hearted to our customers . We sincerely looking forward to cooperating with you and create a brilliant future together .

    盛大人本着对工作 全力以赴,对客户 投入的精神,真诚期待与您携手共进,共创辉煌!