white spots

[医] 白色斑(二尖瓣)

  • Milo : she is very old has no teeth and has white spots on her yellow skin .

    她像那美洛斯的维纳斯,年纪老、掉了牙、黄色的皮肤上还有一 点点 白斑

  • The white spots usually do not itch or hurt .

    白色 斑点通常不痒或受伤。

  • Near a petrol station we phoned from far away I saw her black suit with white spots coming towards me I also walked towards her .

    在一个加油站附近,我们远远地通着电话,我见她一 格子黑底的衣服,向我走过来,我也向她走过去。

  • Just like the examples show the application of hesperidinase in the large-scale tin such as 15 OZ MC tin etc. besides 4 OZ MC tin all could prevent the white spots from producing .

    如实例所示,除4OZMC罐外,桔皮苷酶在15OZMC等大型罐都能应用而且可以防止 白点的产生。

  • He had a huge belly covered with white spots and his hands and feet were blue .

    他的大肚子上沾满 白色 污点,双手双脚都是蓝色的。

  • Fish skin fins and gill flap covered with white spots of the vesicle all of the body was covered with white film .

    鱼儿皮肤、鳍和鳃瓣上布满 白色 点状囊泡,鱼体覆盖一层白色薄膜。

  • Minute white spots appear in images caused by lack of ink transfer .

    印刷时,油墨没有转移 ,印纹露出 白点的情况。

  • The chickens are characterized by white plumage single comb red ear-lobes with white spots yellow beak and shanks .

    成都白鸡全身羽毛白色,单冠,耳叶红色带有 白斑,喙、胫黄色。

  • She was wearing a black skirt with white spots .

    她穿着黑色带 白点的裙子。

  • The forming of white spots in forgings relates to its hydrogen content the magnitude of the internal stress the internal metallurgical quality and the compactness .

    锻件材中 白点的产生与其实际氢含量、内应力大小、锻件材内部的冶金质量及致密性有关。

  • Discovery of the Pathogen of Muscovy Duck Liver White Spots Disease

    一种新的番鸭疫病(暂名番鸭肝 白点病)病原的发现

  • The treatment temperature is so high as easy to result in white spots and effusion of alkali vapor .

    处理的温度高,易产生 白色 斑点,碱雾逸出造成 环境 污染

  • When a man or woman has white spots on the skin

    无论男女,皮肉上若起了 ,就是

  • Yellow or brown stains white spots asymmetrical gum contours and uneven edges can disfigure your smile .

    黄色或棕色斑, 白斑,不对称口香糖轮廓和不平衡力可以变丑,你的笑容。

  • When a person first develops vitiligo the disease usually starts as flat white spots on the hands or around the eyes .

    当一个人第一次开发白癜风,这种疾病通常开始平板 白色 斑点的手或眼睛周围。

  • The forming mechanism of white spots during the production of PVC-U pipe fittings and the solutions

    PVC-U管件生产中 白斑产生的机理及解决办法

  • Thanks for watching video how to treat white spots on nails .

    感谢收看“怎样处理趾甲上的 白斑 视频节目。

  • These white spots or patches are commonly circular and occur in the same areas on both sides of the body thus producing a mirror-image effect .

    这些 白色 斑点或斑块通常是圆形的,发生在同一地区两边的机构,从而产生镜像效果。

  • Spotting eliminating white spots on negative by painting with opaque .

    用遮光液把阴 上的透光 白点清除。

  • After toxin injection the action of mice is slow the severe cases even dead anatomical observation found that liver became pale colored even with white spots indicating that poisoning can cause liver cell necrosis . 2 .

    注毒后小鼠行动迟缓,严重者死亡,解剖观察,发现肝脏无色泽,甚至有 白色 斑点,中毒导致肝细胞坏死。

  • Tonsil stones appear as white spots and can be confused with a sore throat .

    扁桃体结石, 白色 斑点显示它的出现,并被混淆为喉咙痛。

  • From Rumei to early summer period the water temperature begins to rise when fish if there is slightly larger than the insect sticky white spots white spots on the infection of the bell-shaped worms .

    从入梅至初夏的这段时间,水温开始上升,这时鱼身上如果出现比白点虫略大的粘性 白点,就说明感染了钟形虫。

  • The swimsuit comes in navy with white spots or blue with green spots .

    这款泳衣有藏青色带 白色 圆点的,也有蓝色带绿色圆点的。

  • Generation mechanism of white spots in Xuanwei ham 's muscle

    宣威火腿肌肉中 白点形成机理的初步研究

  • In the second stage white spots appear mixed up with the black ( leucomelanosis ) legs swell and the palms and soles crack and bleed ( hyperkeratosis ) .

    在第二阶段, 白斑混杂著黑斑一起出现,也就是 黑变病;

  • WHITE SPOTS ON NAILS : No it not a sign you re lacking calcium .

    指甲上 出现 白点:不,这并不是你缺钙的标志。

  • Swallowing too much fluoride can cause fluorosis or white spots on your child 's permanent teeth .

    要是吞咽太多的氟能惹起慢性氟中毒大概牙齿上永世留着 白点

  • A crystal ball there are water coral reefs there are two dolphins as well as numerous small white spots small blisters on top of another .

    水晶球里有水,有珊瑚礁,有两只海豚,还有无数的 小白点,顶端又一个小水泡。

  • Prevention of the White Spots Crystallizing in Black Bean and Garlic Sauce

    颜色 文化& 白色蒜蓉豆豉酱 白点结晶问题的研究

  • There are white spots on your tonsils .

    你的扁桃腺有 白色 斑点