whole brother

[hol ˈbrʌðɚ][həul ˈbrʌðə]


  • Whats more when Damon attempts to make sense of the whole missing brother / loving Elena situation It explodes in his face .

    而且 Damon还要理清楚 弟弟失踪和喜欢Elena的双重复杂情况,这都是他亟待解决的事情。

  • You got nothing in the whole world but your brother .

    你除了 哥哥世界上没人

  • The whole family my parents a brother and sister all worked at the restaurant for free .

    我们 全家,包括我父母、一个 哥哥和一个妹妹,全都在餐厅里免费做事。

  • Ren é e : I started with the whole drama thing because I had to be just like my big brother .

    我开始加入那些戏剧之类的活动,因为我非得学我 大哥的样子不可。

  • I wish to bury it during my whole life in my own bosom but your brother Maximilian wrested it from me by a violence he repents of now I am sure .

    上帝作证,我本来希望 终生保留这个秘密,但你的 内兄玛西米兰用过火的语言逼我讲了出来,他现在一定后悔当时的举动。

  • The whole crowd listened in silence as the soft American accent told the story of a girl forced to grow up when her brother died in the war .

    整个人群在默默聆听。一个略带美国口音的声音正轻柔地讲述 哥哥在战争中的死亡如何促使妹妹迅速长大的故事。