
[ˈhwɪðɚ, ˈwɪð-][ˈwɪðə(r)]




  • Psa139:7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit ? or whither shall I flee from thy presence ?


  • Ye shall seek me : and as I said unto the Jews Whither I go ye cannot come ; so now I say to you .

    后来你们要找我, 我所去的地方,你们不能到。这话我曾对犹太人说过,如今也照样对你们说。

  • He knows neither his whence nor his whither .

    他不知道从哪里来, 哪里

  • They knew not whither they went .

    他们不知 哪里

  • He is gone without my knowledge or my consent I know not whither because of his violence and the rash and disobedient disposition of youth .

    他去了,可我不知道,也没有得到我的同意,我也不知道 哪儿 了,这都是由于他年少气盛,狂暴,鲁莽,不听话。

  • Can you not go upon your pilgrimage Peter along the winding mountain path whither you face ?

    你不能走上自己的朝圣之路,和彼得,沿着你所面对的蜿蜒的 山间小路吗?

  • And the rulers knew not whither I went or what I did ;


  • Mr. Eden had now joined us from England whither he had flown after his discussions in Moscow .

    艾登先生在莫斯科举行会谈后飞返英国,这时,从英国 前来和我会合。

  • Whither would this lead him ?

    力量将把他带 什么 地方 呢?

  • And David said Whither shall I go up ?

    大卫说,我上 一个 呢。

  • And when they entered unto the heathen whither they went they profaned my holy name when they said to them These are the people of the LORD and are gone forth out of his land .

    他们到了所去的 列国,就使我的圣名被亵渎。因为人谈论他们说,这是耶和华的民,是从耶和华的地出来的。

  • The first comer seizes a current of the throng and leads it whither he wills .

    第一个见到的人可以抓住群众的共同趋势并牵着他们 他一道走。

  • Then said the jews will he kill himself ? Because he saith whither I go ye cannot come .

    犹太人说,他说我所去的 地方,你们不能到,难道他要 自尽吗。

  • O unwearied feet travelling ye know not whither !

    啊,孜孜不倦的双脚,们也并不知道 走向

  • Do I truly know whence I came or whither I am bound ?

    我真的知道自己从那里来,到 那里 吗?

  • Who are you and whither are you bound ?

    你是谁?要 哪里

  • Then said Jesus again unto them I go my way and ye shall seek me and shall die in your sins : whither I go ye cannot come .

    耶稣又对他们说,我要去了,你们要找我,并且你们 要死在罪中。我所去的 地方,你们不能到。

  • And I whither shall I cause my shame to go ? and as for thee thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel .

    玷辱了我,我 何以 掩盖我的羞耻呢。你在以色列中也成了愚妄人。

  • He tried to seem to be looking everywhere but whither he really was looking & down the road .

    他装出 若无其事的样子四处看着。其实,他真正关注的是那边的那条路。

  • Ah whence and whither flown again who knows !

    谁知他飞自何来,又 飞向

  • He had changed his prison for another that was conveying him he knew not whither .

    他虽然已从牢里出来, 现在正在被送到一个他所不知道的 地方

  • If Daimler ditches chrysler whither detroit ?

    如果被戴姆勒抛弃,克莱斯勒 去向

  • The question once again arises : what is to be done ? Whither china ?

    于是怎么办,中国 ,又成为问题了。

  • Whither he went he knew not ; it was enough for him to know that he went with God .


  • We know neither our whence nor our whither .

    我们不知道从 哪里 来到 哪里

  • Fount Tree and Shed are gone I know not whither .

    泉眼,树木和小屋消失了,我不知 地。

  • The early morning rose would whither on the branch if it could feel envy .

    如果清晨的玫瑰会 忌妒的话它也会 枯萎在枝头。

  • Could you tell me whither my father is going ?

    请问我父亲 哪里 了?