whole page

[hol pedʒ][həul peidʒ]

[计] 整页

  • AJAX is used to circumvent this behavior and allow new data to be retrieved without modifying the whole page .

    AJAX用来回避这一动作,来允许不通过刷新 整个 页面而获取新的数据。

  • Using image maps instead of multiple images is another way to decrease load times because downloading the separate parts of the image simultaneously speeds the download process for the whole page .

    使用图像映射代替多个图像,这是另一种缩短加载时间的方式,因为同时下载图像的各个独立部分能够加快 整个 页面的下载进度。

  • Otherwise it will result in a leaked widget until the whole page clean-up happens .

    否则,将会导致有遗漏的小部件存在,直到 整个 页面清理发生。

  • You can describe your own component that could be a whole page small panel or even a single HTML element .

    你可以描述自己的组件,这些组件可以是 整个 页面,也可以是较小的面板,甚至是单独的一个HTML元素。

  • With Ajax techniques some parts of pages can be dynamically changed instead of refreshing the whole page .

    使用Ajax技术,可以只更新页面的一些部分,而不用刷新 整个 页面

  • He adds that Ajax the package of technologies used to add elements to a Web page without having to reload the whole page has been in browsers for years .

    他补充称,阿贾克斯(Ajax)已被嵌入浏览器许多年了。阿贾克斯是一个技术包,用于向网页上添加内容,而无需重新加载 整个 网页

  • With such limited initial contact you do yourself a disservice if you use a whole page of your application to simply repeat the contents of the other pages .

    篇幅本就有限,如果你 都只是重复下面几页的内容,你会害了自己的。

  • When checksum is specified a checksum is calculated over the contents of the whole page and stored in the database page header when a page is written to disk .

    如果指定了checksum,在页写入磁盘时就会对 的内容计算校验和,并将结果存储在数据库页头中。

  • Whenever you request a new set of data from web site it clears the whole page and loads the new one .

    无论你什么时候从网站中请求一系列的新的数据,它便会刷新 整个 页面,并载入新的页面。

  • Two problems to be solved in graphic design individual font design and space of a whole page and layout were discussed from origin and change and principle to application .

    从字体设计的起源到变迁、从原则到应用、意在说明字体在平面设计中要解决的两个问题:个体的字体创意与字体的 版面编排。

  • It helps them navigate the whole page using their ears instead of their eyes and it can also help to identify all elements and their relationships on the user interface .

    它能帮助用户使用耳朵而不是眼睛来导航 整个 页面。它还能帮助识别用户界面中的所有元素及其关系。

  • Some changes may cause a reflow of the whole page : for example when a scroll bar appears .

    某些改变可导致重排版 整个 页面:例如,当一个滚动条出现时。

  • Not just an overall font style for the whole page but one font .

    并不是对 所有 页面有个全局的字体,而是只使用一种字体。

  • Usually when you click on a link in a Web page that instruction goes back to the host computer which in turn refreshes the whole page .

    通常当你在一个网页上打开某个链接时,这一指令会发回到网页所在的主机上,进而刷新 整个 页面

  • With only few lines of Java code we got a working web page component that can be updated without needing to refresh the whole page .

    仅用了几行Java代码,我们就能更新Web页面的组件,而无需刷新 整个 页面

  • Thus you can see which requests are slowing down the whole page load .

    所以,可以看出哪些请求使 整个 页面的装载变慢了。

  • But I want someone to do me a whole page full charge of all content .

    但我希望有人来帮我一个 的所有内容全权负责。

  • Zoom to whole page of document .

    缩放到文档的 大小。

  • In such case by clicking a link whole page is reloaded .

    在这种情况下,点击一个链接就能重新加载 整个 页面

  • Using Ajax techniques to refresh only the dynamic parts of the Web page instead of the whole page

    使用Ajax技术只刷新Web页面的动态部分,而不是 整个 页面

  • Similar to cookies JavaScript files take time to download which inevitably slows down the whole page .

    与cookie类似,JavaScript文件的下载也需要时间,这不可避免地会降低 整个 页面的加载速度。

  • You could cache the list of categories or even the whole page .

    可以缓存分类列表或 整个 页面

  • This also helps with the separation of application logic from presentation logic because whole page logic is contained only in the form of Java classes .

    这也有助于应用逻辑和展现逻辑之间的分离,因为 整个 页面逻辑只以Java类的形式被包含进来。

  • Ajax is a style of web programming that uses standards-based web technologies ( HTML JavaScript CSS and DOM ) that allow interaction between page and server without refreshing the whole page .

    Ajax是一种使用基于标准的Web技术(HTML、JavaScript、CSS和DOM)的Web编程风格,这些技术无需刷新 整个 页面 即可实现页面和服务器之间的交互。

  • Your site can float in the middle of the viewer 's screen with space on the left and right or stretch across the screen filling the whole page .

    你的页面可以在两边留有空间的“漂浮”在浏览者屏幕的中央,也可以拉伸穿过整个屏幕,也可以占满 整个 屏幕

  • If you need to do whole page caching based on conditions in the application authentication for example you can use action caching instead .

    如果想要基于应用程序内的条件例如,身份认证来缓存 整个 页面,那么可以使用动作缓存。

  • Another similar scenario is when a Web developer does not want to obscure information on the page particularly if the user input relies on being able to view the whole page content .

    另一个相似的情况为,Web开发者不想使页面信息变得模糊,尤其是用户输入依赖于显示 全部 页面内容的情况。

  • Right-click the drawing click zoom and then click whole page .

    右击相应的绘图,单击“缩放”,然后单击“ ”。