white pulp

[hwaɪt pʌlp][hwait pʌlp]


  • Study on Characteristics of Polyphenol Oxidase in White Pulp Loquat

    白肉枇杷多酚氧化酶 酶学特性研究

  • Well-developed sheathed arteries typical structures of red pulp and white pulp are found .

    鞘动脉非常发达,红髓 结构典型。

  • In spleen mast cells mainly lie in circumambience of splenic corpuscle in white pulp ;

    脾脏内的肥大细胞主要分布于 的脾小体周围;

  • By reviewing the research development of the cultivar selection of the white pulp loquat in Fujian including the selection introducing breeding this paper makes a probe into the research of this issue in the future .

    概述了福建省 白肉枇杷选育种方面的研究进展,包括枇杷的选种、引种、生物技术应用探索,并就今后白肉枇杷选育种的研究进行探讨。

  • The results showed TUNEL positive cells were much more than that in control group rats and they were distributed mainly in the cortex of thymus the white pulp of spleen and the paracortical zone of lymph nodes .

    结果表明:MOF早期大鼠细胞凋亡异常增多且以免疫器官细胞凋亡为主,电镜所见之凋亡细胞及凋亡小体与TUNEL标记阳性细胞主要分布于胸腺皮质、脾 和淋巴结副皮质区。

  • The red pulp is enlarged and filled with blood while white pulp decrease and there are red blood cells in it .

    红髓淤血, 缩小并有红细胞存在,两者分界不清;

  • HBV DNA were mainly in the plasma of the lymphocyte and the macrophagocyte in the white pulp ? marginal zone ? red pulp and the spleen vessels .

    HBVdna颗粒在死胎脾脏 、边缘区、红髓中的淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞浆、脾血窦、脾脏血管中呈点、灶状分布,脾脏淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞核不着色。

  • The silkie spleen marginal zone and red pulp are pale pink white pulp is violet .

    乌鸡脾脏边缘区和红髓呈浅粉红色, 呈蓝紫色。

  • On the Development of Selection and Breeding of loquat Cultivar with White Pulp in Fujian

    福建 白肉枇杷的选育种研究进展

  • Tropical fruit from the Philippines having a mass of small seeds embedded in sweetish white pulp .

    来自菲律宾的热带水果, 果肉 白色微甜,籽小呈团状。

  • In the 8-10 days after infection the white pulp area was significantly increased and in a large number of lymphocytes proliferated in white pulp red pulp area was significantly reduced .

    感染后第8d至10d, 面积明显增加,且白髓内淋巴细胞明显增多,红髓面积相对明显减少。在感染组小鼠脾脏中还观察到坏死现象。

  • On the thirtieth day chronic inflammation occurred including white pulp of spleen and lymphoid tissue of cortex lymph node atrophy stromal cells of cortex of lymph node being in a large numder and plasma cells of medullary cord increasing largely .

    第30天,脾 与淋巴结皮质淋巴组织萎缩,淋巴结皮质基质细胞增多,髓索浆细胞大量增多等慢性炎症现象发生。

  • The central arteries within the parenchyma branch obviously at E 16 the white pulp and the red pulp interlace each other .

    E16脾实质内中央动脉分支明显, 和红髓相互交错。

  • Compared with the aged control group treatment group spleen white pulp and red pulp of the boundaries less clear a slight increase in white pulp increase in the number of neutrophils lymphocytes arranged loosely .

    与老年对照组相比较,药物组脾脏的 和红髓分界欠清晰,白髓略微增多,中性粒细胞数量增多,淋巴细胞排列比较疏松。

  • Structure and Histochemical Characters of Spleen White Pulp in Trionyx sinensis

    中华鳖脾脏 的组织结构与组织化学特性

  • Spleen in the infected group showed change of lymphocytes number . White pulp decreased and red pulp area increased and the reduction of white pulp and increasement of red pulp showed some regulation with time .

    在感染组小鼠脾脏中, 面积增加,红髓面积相对减少,且白髓增加与红髓减少的改变随时间呈现一定的规律。

  • Results The tumor involved marginal zone of splenic white pulp tumor cell is medium size cytoplasm is trans-parent and cell nucleus is a little irregular .

    结果肿瘤累及脾 边缘区,瘤细胞中等大小,胞质透明,胞核稍不规则。

  • In the spleen the NK cells mainly located in the germinal center of splenic nodules and in the periphery of white pulp .

    脾脏的NK细胞主要见于脾小结的中心或 外周的边缘区,但动脉周围淋巴鞘为阴性。

  • Spleen : white pulp lymphoid tissue appears regeneration area the increasing number of small arteries around the lymphocytes at 3d and 5d after rhIL-11 treatment . Conclusion : 1 .

    脾脏:rhIL-11治疗后3d和5d, 区淋巴组织即出现增生,小动脉周围淋巴细胞数量增多。

  • Morphological quantitative analysis of interdigitating cells and macrophages in rat splenic white pulp

    大鼠脾 交错突细胞和巨噬细胞的形态计量分析

  • Pathomorphological study on blush around splenic white pulp of experimental peracute swine erysipelas

    实验性特急性型猪丹毒脾脏 周围红晕病理形态学研究

  • HLA-DR ~ + antigen presenting cells ( APC ) reduced remarkably in the SARS spleen white pulp .


  • NGF was mainly distributed in macrophages like and lymphocytes like cells in the outer layer of periarterial lymphocyte sheath ( PALS ) of white pulp marginal zone ( MZ ) and red pulp ( RP ) .

    NGF主要分布于 动脉周围淋巴鞘(PALS)外层、边缘区(MZ)和红髓(RP)的巨噬细胞样和淋巴细胞样细胞;

  • In addition McAbs of B cells and it 's subsets were reacted very strong with the germinal center of tonsil and lymph nodes and spleen white pulp .

    此外,抗B细胞及其亚群单抗与扁桃腺、淋巴结、脾 生发中心呈强阳性反应。

  • There shown typical white pulp at 4 months old .

    4月龄出现典型的 结构。

  • The parenchyma of spleen included red pulp and white pulp but lacking a marginal zone . In turtles the white pulp of the spleen was composed of two compartments the PALS and the PELS .

    鳖脾脏实质由 和红髓组成,缺乏边缘区。白髓包括PALS和PELS,未观察到淋巴小结的出现。

  • The seminal changes such as decreased lymphocytes white pulp atrophy hemorrhage and necrosis and decreased expression of lymphocytes for CD4 antigen could also observe in spleen .

    脾脏也可观察到淋巴细胞数量的减少, 萎缩,出血坏死,表达CD4的阳性细胞减少。

  • After 13-16 weeks . IDCs began to gather in and around T cell colony in white pulp .

    13-16周胎脾中IDC开始定位于 的T细胞集落内和周缘,及B细胞集落的周边。

  • The adaptability of Japanese white pulp loquat Shiromogi were studied in Putian Fujian Province .

    探讨从日本引入优良 白肉枇杷品种“白茂木”在福建莆田的适应性。