white mold

[hwaɪt mold][hwait məuld]

[医] 白霉

  • Putting the mixture of polypropylene powder white cement plastic bead water and others into a mold makes the material .

    模型 采用聚丙烯粉、塑料微珠、水泥等材料加入一定量的水由特制的 搅拌机搅拌均匀倒入 模具成型制成。

  • There are 80 types of rice specially designed to produce sake which is made from fermented rice water and koji & white rice imbued with a special kind of mold .

    专门用来酿造清酒的大米有80种。清酒是由 酒酿、水和酒曲酿成的。酒曲是加入了某种特殊 霉菌的大米。

  • Experiment research of white beads in mouth cavity in enzyme inhibition mold infection

    抑制口腔 白色 念珠菌感染的实验研究

  • The reason of white band formation in the solidified shell in the mold has been studied by means of water modeling test and the analysis of the solidified microstructure of practical CC slab and liner analysis of white band has been performed by EPMA .

    利用水力模型实验,并对实机铸坯的凝固组织分析,EPMA对负偏析带的线分析,得出了在 结晶 中凝固坯壳上负 偏析带的产生原因。

  • Property of Low-chromium White Cast Iron Made by Permanent Mold

    金属 低铬 白口铸铁的性能

  • From the white middle-class English-speaking mold almost all of its teachers had emerged .

    这里所有的教师也都是 出身中产阶级讲英语的 白人

  • Biological Control of Soybean White Mold

    大豆 菌核 生物防治研究

  • The medium chromium white cast iron has been pouring by green sand mold and the effect of Cr ? Si ? Mn ?

    应用湿砂 铸型浇注中低铬 白口铸铁,采用正交试验研究Cr、Si、Mn、Cu对铸态中低铬白口铸铁力学性能的影响。

  • The study proves that the method from gray picture to black and white picture vectorgraph and at last rebuilding the 3D mold is feasible and practicable in the reverse engineering field .

    研究证明从灰度位图图像到 黑白 位图图像、矢量图像,最后实现三维重建的方法在反求工程上的可行性和实用性。

  • A study on the biological characteristic of the spring rape white mold pathogen S.sclerotiorum

    寒地春油菜 菌核病菌生物学特性的研究

  • Analysis of White Matter in Endosexine of Ceramic Mold for Ni-based High Temperature Alloy

    镍基高温合金/陶瓷 壳内表面 白色物质的分析

  • In vacuum pressure treatment test the result indicated that F2 could prevent the treated timber for 12 days from stain and mold except white mold ;

    在真空加压试验中,0.02%F2可保持橡胶木板材在气干过程中12天基本不霉变及蓝变,但 对白 的防治效果较差;

  • Rice wine is produced with 22 % alcohol content and unpolished rice as essentials and white koji as ferment before and mold nowadays by 5 ~ 6 days ( 7 ~ 12 days presently ) fermentation ;

    米酒以粳米为原料, 曲为发酵剂,现改用 霉菌,发酵5~6天(现为7~12天),酒精含量22%;