without number

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈnʌmbɚ][wiˈðaut ˈnʌmbə]


  • I have seen that play times without number .

    那出戏我已经看过好 多次了。

  • Biographical literature Modern and Contemporary unprecedented development and biographies without number or quantity of writers has achieved the peak .

    到了现当代,传记得到空前发展, 无论是传记作品的 数量还是作家数量都达到顶峰。

  • I have told you times without number but you still do not remember it .

    我已经告诉你 不知 多少次了,但你还是记不住它。

  • And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea very much until he left numbering ; for it was without number .

    约瑟积蓄五谷甚多,如同海边的沙, 无法 计算,因为谷 不可胜数

  • A nation has invaded my land powerful and without number ; it has the teeth of a lion the fangs of a lioness .

    有一队蝗虫(文是民)强盛又 无数,侵犯我的地。它的牙齿如狮子的牙齿,大牙如母狮的大牙。

  • The fourth chapter inspects approximate quantity expression without number especially approximate words and approximate time word .

    第四章考察 数目的约量表达形式,其中重点分析约数词及约量时间词;

  • And it came to pass that early in the morning when they lifted up their eyes behold there were people without number carrying ladders and engines to take the fortress and assault them .

    黎明时,举目一望,看见 无数军民,带著云梯与器械,攻打堡垒,正向堡垒里的人攻击。

  • Yet my people have forgotten me days without number .

    我的百姓却忘记了我 无数的日子。

  • Ethiopia was her strength and Egyptians without number ; put and Lubim were her helpers .

    古实和埃及是她无穷的力量。弗人和 路比族是她的帮手。

  • And a mixed multitude without number went up also with them sheep and herds and beasts of divers kinds exceeding many .

    同他们一起走的,还有很多 族人,也带著自己的羊群、牛群和 大批的牲畜。

  • Person can understand import among them right away during the period of the painting seeing Picasso for the first time without number .

    没有 多少人能在第一次看到毕加索的画的时候就理解其中的含义。

  • Besides histories they have many volumes of reminiscences and biographies without number .

    除历史书外,他们还 不计其数的回忆录和传记。

  • I have been there for times without number .

    我已去过那里 无数次。

  • I have visited many countries and have been in cities without number yet never did I enter a town which could not produce ten or twelve of those little great men ;

    我游历过许多国家,也去过 无数和城市,但 没有诞生过十一二位这种小伟人的城市,我还从来没见识过。

  • I 've warned you against doing that thing without number .

    我已经 无数次警告过你 不要做那件事了。

  • The happiness index is a conception without number . It can be explained as the exponent to measure the subjective feeling .

    所谓幸福指数是一个 务虚的概念,就是衡量这种感受的主观指标。

  • The thing of such is without number really !

    诸如此类的事情真是 数不胜数啊!

  • We could see birds without number all in the woods .

    在这林子里我们可以看到 无数飞鸟

  • Who does great things not to be searched out ; yes wonders without number .

    他行大事,不可测度,行奇事, 不可胜数

  • And he has been listed Shenzhen Experts Dictionary and invited to Korea Japan French carry through learning exchange times without number .

    多次应邀到韩、日、法国进行学术交流,为韩国影星 李素珍、宠成等成功实施手术。

  • The integral was 0 that times without number of skin excitation test pathology integral was 0 ;


  • Now the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the people of the East were covering the valley like locusts ; and their camels were like the sand by the seaside without number .

    米甸人,亚玛力人,和一切东方人都布散在平原,如同蝗虫那样多。他们的骆驼 无数如海边的沙。

  • The calibration system of sensor is designed and realized . Sensors in the unmanned aerial vehicle system such as attitude angle sensor barometric height sensor and airspeed sensor are calibrated times without number . Each of their stationary models is deduced .

    设计实现了传感器标定建模,以 人机系统中倾角传感器、气压高度传感器和空速传感器等为例,进行了传感器数据的标定拟和,得到了各传感器的静态模型。

  • The integral was 0 that both times without number eye primary irritation test and skin excitation test ;


  • The offerings made at his shrine were without number .

    他收到的礼物简直是 难以 计。

  • Clinic in this company recently : the influenza and short skirt are nothing but recent falls without number .

    这家公司最近在诊所:流感和短裙是什么,但最近 没有 多少下降。

  • Narrow bars without a number value indicate that no target is in those states .


  • Does a maiden forget her jewelry a bride her wedding ornaments ? Yet my people have forgotten me days without number .

    处女岂能忘记她的妆饰呢。新妇岂能忘记她的美衣呢。我的百姓却忘记了我 无数的日子。

  • Will a virgin forget her ornament or a bride her stomacher ? but my people hath forgotten me days without number .

    一个处女岂能忘了自己的珍饰?一位新娘岂能忘了自己的彩带?我的人民却忘了我,时日 久长,无法计算。

  • These two men traveled for three days and found people and houses without number .

    这两个人在岛上跑了三天,所到之处 人烟稠密,屋宇毗连。