without engagement

[wɪðˈaʊt ɛnˈɡedʒmənt][wiˈðaut inˈɡeidʒmənt]


  • Here are price sheet the prices are given without engagement .

    这是我们的价格单,此价格 约束

  • Without opportunities for productive civic engagement young people 's frustrations may boil over into economic and social tensions creating long-simmering disputes .

    没有有效的公民 参与机会,青年人就会感到沮丧,这种情绪有可能愈演愈烈,导致经济和社会紧张,造成长期酝酿的争端。

  • The force of law is in lower degree even without engagement .

    法律效力等级低, 约束力 强。

  • Unless otherwise stated our quotation on this offer sheet is given without engagement .

    除另有说明者外,该报价单上的报盘是 约束的。

  • I have here our price sheet on an fob basis . the price is give without engagement .

    这是我们以船上交货价为基准的价格单,所报价格 没有 约束力

  • He may land in Hong Kong without the permission of an immigration officer or immigration assistant and remain until the departure of the aircraft on which he is required by his engagement to leave .

    否则他可在香港入境 无须入境事务主任或入境事务助理员的准许,并可留下直至根据 聘用 协议他须乘搭离开的飞机离境为止。

  • This offer is without engagement .

    此报价对我方 约束力

  • We must point out that all the contents to be filled out in the proforma invoice are without engagement on our part .

    必须指出,形式发票所列内容,我方 任何 约束

  • The above prices are quoted without engagement on our part .

    请你们选择决定上述报价我方均 约束

  • The Gardiners staid a week at Longbourn ; and what with the Philipses the Lucases and the officers there was not a day without its engagement .

    嘉丁纳夫妇在浪搏恩待了一个星期,没有哪一天 宴会,有时候在腓力普府上,有时候在卢卡斯府上,有时候又在军官那儿。

  • The above offers are made without engagement and all order will be subjected to our writing acceptance .

    以上报盘为 盘,所有订货将以我方书面接受为准。

  • Without engagement and under reserve

    承担 义务并保留条件

  • A Credit may be advised to a beneficiary through another Bank ( the Advising Bank ) without engagement on the part of the Advising Bank .

    信用证可经另一家银行(“通知行”)通知受益人, 通知行 无须承担付款 承诺之责任。

  • Again we remind you that this is an offer without engagement .

    此外,我们要再次提醒您,这是可 变更报价。

  • I have here our price sheet on a FAS vessel basis the price are given without engagement .

    我这里有我们的FAS 船边交货的价格单,这个价格是不容商议的。

  • He is a man without rank fortune or permanent engagement .

    势,甚至连 聘礼 没有

  • Nothing much happens in the world without us engagement .

    如果 没有美国 参与,世界就不会有多少大事发生。

  • The offer is without engagement .

    她已另有 约会

  • We have pleasure in enclosing herewith the mentioned letter of credit This documentary credit is advised without any engagement or responsibility on our part .

    我们很高兴在此信中提到此信用证跟单信用证是 约定责任告诉我们。

  • The unipolar moment may have passed but there are few serious problems around the world that can be solved without US engagement .

    单极模式或许已经成为过去,但是 如果 没有美国的 参与,国际领域目前存在的大量严峻问题依然很难得到解决。

  • 3 The offer is given without engagement .

    报盘 没有 约束力

  • There are two benefits of unsent letter says Konnikova : It serves as a type of emotional catharsis a way to let it all out without the repercussions of true engagement .

    科尼科娃认为这种做法有两方面好处,一是作为感性宣泄感情的方式,在 不会产生实际影响的情况 把感情全部发泄出来。

  • Without willing American engagement the chances of an effective international agreement are minimal .

    没有美国的主动 参与,达成一项有效国际协议的几率将微乎其微。

  • Without the consent and engagement of Barack Obama and the parties'leaders in Congress the latest deficit buster will fare no better than the first three .

    缺少了奥巴马和国会内两党领导人的赞同和 鼓励,这第四个财政赤字的克星就绝不会比前面三个有更好的效果。