wiring diagram

[ˈwaɪrɪŋ ˈdaɪəˌɡræm][ˈwaɪərɪŋ ˈdaiəɡræm]


  • This paper gives PLC I / O channel allocation table and I / O wiring diagram and designs ladder diagram process according to the control requirements of PLC control .

    根据PLC控制的控制要求,给出了PLC的I/O通道分配表和I/O 接线 ,设计出了梯形图程序。

  • The wiring diagram assumes that you use the default channel settings .

    接线 假设采用错误通道设置。

  • The wiring diagram of power system can be edited by this software .

    在软件图形平台上可以绘制和编辑电力系统的 电气 接线

  • Study on Continuous Increasing Payment Life Insurance with Random Interest Rate Check the rating plate and wiring diagram before proceeding .

    随机利率下的连续型增额寿险精算研究在 连接前要检验额定面板上的 电路

  • These shall include graphic pages interlocks wiring diagram etc.

    应包括图形页面、联锁、 接线 等。

  • The device states and dynamic data are dynamically displayed on the wiring diagram .

    网络中设备状态和动态数据可在 接线 上直观的反映。

  • Drawing configuration provides a tool to draw wiring diagram for engineer .

    绘图组态为 变电站工程师提供了一个绘制一次 潮流 等的绘图工具。

  • For fuse assignments please refer to the current issue of the wiring diagram .

    有关保险丝分配,请参考 电路 的电流问题。

  • Detailed analysis of the transportation system protection and control equipment motor schematic block diagram PLC system the external wiring diagram .

    详细分析了输送系统设备保护控制电动机原理图、程序框图、PLC系统外部 接线

  • Refer to the wiring diagram to physically connect the DSA or DAQ device to the DUT .

    关于这个仪器到被测器件的 接线

  • Then again on the measurement control system hardware selection design the control system of circuit wiring diagram and select the PLC inverter pressure sensors analog input / output module of wiring .

    再接着对计量控制系统硬件进行选择,设计了控制系统主电路 接线 ,并对选择的PLC、变频器、压力传感器、模拟量输入/输出模块进行了接线。

  • Check the rating plate and wiring diagram before proceeding .

    连接前要检验额定面板上的 电路

  • Meanwhile in combination of the rotary coder and PLC is emphatically introduced the hardware wiring diagram and the program design of the system are also given .

    着重介绍了使用旋转编码器与PLC相结合来提高定尺长度精度的方法。给出了PLC控制系统的硬件 接线 及程序设计。

  • In the third chapter about hardware hardware structure of each circuit module and wiring diagram are detailed .

    第三章硬件电路部分是对该控制器硬件电路的结构,对各个模块的电路原理和 接线 进行详细阐述。

  • Use wiring diagram and multimeter .

    使用 电路 和万用表。

  • According to the feature of the self-supply power plants we must select the point about electric energy exchange correctly in order to design appropriate wiring diagram .

    针对企业自备电厂的特点,通过工程实例说明要有合理的 电气 接线,就应该正确选择自备电厂电量交换点。

  • In PC and wiring diagram construction refers to electrical connections between pins components contacts or circuits .

    在印刷电路和 布线 结构中,指的是引线端、元件、通孔或电路间的连接。

  • This paper on the structure of the servo system and control theory and its hardware design to draw wiring diagram .

    本文主要研究了伺服系统的结构和控制原理,并进行其硬件设计,画出 接线

  • Design of Secondary Wiring Diagram for Common Electrical Equipments in Civil Buildings Graphic display of DC spot welding dynamic process is an effective way for online welding quality control .

    民用建筑常用电气设备的二次 接线 设计焊接过程动态参数图形的实时显示是三相次级整流电阻焊质量在线评估的一种有效方法。

  • Like the electrical wiring diagram cooling system and lubrication system from our example earlier .

    比如前面说过的 电路 、冷却和润滑系统等。

  • The circuit schematic diagrams of the ABS and TCS of PASSAT B5 are drawn based on its wiring diagram .

    在帕萨特B5轿车 布线 的基础上改画成该车防抱死制动系统(ABS)与牵引力控制系统(TCS)电路原理图;

  • Wiring diagrams are looked at using the wiring diagram viewer .

    电路图是用 电路 查看器查看的。

  • The wiring diagram in Figure 7 shows all the connections that you need to make .

    图7中的 布线 显示了您需要建立的所有连接。

  • Analyzes wiring diagram of measurementing abrupt change of line current .

    分析了突变量电平检测电路的 接线 原理和电路特点。

  • The wiring diagram viewer is opened in a separate window .

    将在单独的窗口中打开 电路 查看器。

  • Such points shall be clearly indicated on the wiring diagram .

    接线 上应清楚标明这些点位。

  • For latest assignment see wiring diagram .

    有关最新分配,请参见 电路

  • The hardware design has been completed including the PLC selection data acquisition system design control system electrical schematics and PLC wiring diagram PLC touch screen design .

    完成了硬件设计,包括PLC选型、数据采集系统设计、控制系统电器电路图及PLC 接线 设计、PLC触摸屏设计等。

  • They conform to the ATEX standards the wiring diagram of this protection must be followed scrupulously .

    他们符合ATEX认证的标准, 接线 的这种保护必须遵循严格。