


  • For example we have GST Vouchers to help with cost of living ; Workfare to top up the wages and CPF savings of low wage workers ; and the Special Employment Credit to encourage employers to hire older workers .

    例如:消费税补助券抵消生活费的 上涨就业 奖励 计划 直接 提高低薪工人的收入和公积金储蓄;特别就业补贴 计划鼓励雇主聘用年长的员工。

  • Unburdened by expensive welfare provision developing countries in Asia and elsewhere must now build social protection systems but with workfare rather than European-style welfare .

    由于没有成本高昂的福利制度的负担,亚洲以及其它地方的发展中国家现在必须建立社会保障体系,但 这些 体系工作 福利 为主,而非欧洲风格的福利。

  • They should be supplemented by other transfer programs such as social pensions or workfare to provide social protection to all vulnerable groups .

    应当辅之以其他转移 支付计划,譬如针对所有弱势群体提供社会保障的社会养老金或 劳动 福利计划。

  • In the early1930s Roosevelt believed in workfare and Hoover made loans to bankers .

    在1930年代早期罗斯福信仰“ 工作 福利 ”,而胡佛 向银行家提供借贷。

  • In rich countries workfare is meant to stop people living off the state rather than finding gainful employment .

    在发达国家, 工作 福利意味着帮助人们脱离对国家的 依赖,而不是阻止人们自己去赚钱。

  • Though the income support policy and workfare have different forms they have the same aim & to increase the recipients ' working motive and income .

    收入支持政策与 工作 福利 的形式虽然不同,但目的是相同的。