


v.(使)工作( work的过去式和过去分词 )(使)运作运转(使)产生效果

  • Basically the system ought to have worked

    其实这套系统本应 发挥 作用的。

  • Some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday

    一些众议员和参议员昨天 工作了整整一天。

  • We worked only two hours in the afternoon but we accomplished a lot .

    我们下午虽然只 了两个钟头,可是很出活。

  • They worked over the old furniture .

    他们 翻新了旧家具。

  • A screw had worked loose from my glasses .

    我眼镜上有一个螺丝 了。

  • He and I worked together on a book

    我和他合 了一本书。

  • We had worked together for two solid years .

    我们一起 共事了整整两年时间。

  • The details of the plan are still being worked out

    计划的细节仍在 制订中。

  • One factor thought to have worked in his favour is his working class image

    据认为,一个帮上 他的因素就是他的工人阶级形象。

  • In all likelihood the committee will have to interview every woman who 's worked with Thomas .

    十有八九,委员会将不得不与每一位 和托马斯共过事的女性面谈。

  • I knew he worked for a security firm

    我知道他在一家保安公司 工作

  • Steve shouted at her . He was really worked up now .

    史蒂夫冲她大喊大叫,他现在是真 生气了。

  • Things have thankfully worked out all right

    谢天谢地,事情终于圆满 解决了。

  • He worked in a travel agent 's.

    他在一家旅行社 工作

  • He 'd given too much to his career worked long hours neglected her

    他为事业付出太多,长时间 工作,忽视了她。

  • The system worked perfectly .

    该系统 运行完美。

  • The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees

    欧盟已经就其雇员 工作时间的控制问题拟定了新的规章。

  • I had worked hard to be included in a project like this

    为参与这样的项目,我过去 一直 努力 工作

  • The three leaders had worked out a peace plan

    3位领导人已 制订出了一个和平方案。

  • We have been working very hard and our families have also worked hard

    我们一直很努力工作,并且我们的家人也是 如此

  • When I worked in Florida I dealt with British people all the time

    在佛罗里达 工作时,我总与英国人有生意往来。

  • I first worked with him in 1971 when we were both on the lowest rung of our careers

    我第一次和他 共事是在1971年,那时我们的事业都刚刚起步。

  • He had worked with the General for three years and was sorry to see him go

    他与将军 共事了3年,看他离去觉得很难过。

  • This is the seventh year that he has worked the streets of Manhattan .

    这是他 曼哈顿街头 献艺的第7个年头。

  • To qualify for maternity leave you must have worked for the same employer for two years

    你必须为同一个雇主 工作满两年才能享受产假。

  • I worked quite irregular hours

    我的 工作时间相当不固定。

  • They 've worked for about two weeks without a paycheck .

    他们已经 工作了两个星期左右,却没有拿到一点儿薪水。

  • We worked hard but it was worth it .

    我们 很大力量,但是值得。

  • He had worked on the factory floor for 16 years .

    他在车间 工作了16年。