working load

[ˈwə:kɪŋ lod][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ləud]


  • When hoisting any large or heavy equipment off the catwalk always check the Working Load Limit ( WLL ) of the air winch or use the travelling block or crane if available .

    当从猫道上提升体积大或较重的设备时,要检查气动绞车的额定 工作 负荷,或使用游车或吊车(如果有)。

  • What is the safe working load of the bitts in the bow area ?

    船首区域缆桩的安全 工作 负荷

  • The safe working load of each derrick is5 tons .

    每根吊杆的安全 工作 负荷是5吨。

  • Management and system students and responsibilities social support and the environment the ability to adapt and organization and climate had obvious impact on the conduct problems while the influence of working load on conduct problems had not reached prominent level .

    管理与制度、学生与责任、社会支持与环境、能力与适应、组织气候等对问题行为的影响非常明显,而 工作 负荷对问题行为的影响未达显著水平。

  • Analysis of the Maximum Working Load on Large Span Pentahedral Machine Tool Beams

    大跨距龙门五面体机床横梁最大 工作 载荷分析

  • Provided that for the purpose of enabling tests of any such appliance to be carried out the safe working load may be exceeded by such amount as the competent examiner appointed to carry out the test may authorize .

    但为使任何此等起重机械的测试得以进行,则可超逾安全 操作 负荷,而所超逾的重量为获指定进行测试的合资格检验员所授权者。

  • This system is divided into teacher 's file administration calculates working load of teaching and sets up three parts .

    本系统分为教师档案管理、教学 工作量计算和系统设置三部分。

  • The characteristics of negative skin friction ( NSF ) with working load on pile top were analyzed .

    分析了在桩顶 荷载 作用 的负摩阻力特性。

  • The Inspector will date and sign the GREENtag when there are no defects in scaffold construction noting total working load on tag .

    当脚手架结构不存在缺陷时,将在“绿色”标牌上签署日期和姓名,并在标牌上记录总 工作 负荷

  • Keep safe working load of derricks .

    让吊杆在安全 负荷 工作

  • Stress scale for Macao Civil Servant structure by three factors working load powerless and uncertain .

    澳门公务人员压力感是由 工作 负荷 、无力感和不确定感三个因素构成。

  • In the mine actual operation the actual load of the steel tope strands in the steel rope would be uncertain but the actual working load would be critical to the safety of the work .

    钢丝绳在矿井实际工作中绳股中的实际载荷并不明确,而实际 工作 载荷对工作的安全性至关重要。

  • The rotary speed has no effect on the working load on cutting teeth .

    转速对切削齿上的 载荷 分布基本无影响。

  • 2 the inspector will date and sign the yellow caution tag and fill in any restrictions or cautions associated with the scaffold noting the total working load on tag .

    检查员将在“黄色”警告性标牌上签署日期和姓名,并填写与脚手架有关的任何限制或警告,并标注脚手架的总 工作 负荷

  • The results show that teachers'working load is terribly heavy and most of the teachers'actual working load surpassing the prescribed missions ;

    结果显示,教师承担的教学 任务十分繁重,多数教师实际完成的 工作量远远超过了规定任务;

  • Along with the large-oriented of container vessels quay wall elevation has been becoming higher and higher and working load increases continually .

    随着集装箱船舶的大型化,码头岸壁高度越来越大,而且 使用 荷载也不断增加。

  • Calculation of the maximum working load of tower bolts for large-scale wind turbine

    大型风力发电机组塔架联接螺栓最大 工作 载荷的计算

  • Duty Officer : Stop lifting . Man ! You should work in safe working load .

    值班驾驶员:停,不要吊。伙计!你不应该超过安全 工作 负荷

  • Tactics builds tradition DPM only on the basis of carrying out observations on target device working load .

    传统动态电源管理(DPM)策略仅仅建立在对目标设备的 工作 负载进行观测的基础上。

  • According to the working load and kinematical characteristic of crank presses driven with various speed the analysis and calculation of the parameters of capacitive energy-storage system is performed in this paper .

    根据变速驱动曲柄压力机驱动电机的 工作 负荷和运动特点,对储能电容参数进行分析和计算。

  • An intelligent printer card is designed to reduce the main CPUs working load of digital bus protection which is based on80386EX and used to implement the tasks of printing data processing and print .

    为减轻微机母线主保护CPU的 工作 负荷,开发一个以80386EX为核心的智能打印板完成数据处理及打印任务。

  • By monitoring both voltage and power the unit measures the normal working load then calculates and sets an automatic shutdown point for detected power changes .

    通过监测动力电压,该装置先对正常的 工作量进行测定,然后依据被测动力发生的变化,估计并设定一个自动的关闭点。

  • Maybe you can ease off working load by finding a part time job .

    找一份兼职工作,也许会减轻你的 工作 负担

  • The shear allocation of each shear connectors is studied in working load .

    研究多个S-PC剪力键情况在 使用 荷载 各剪力键的剪力分配情况。

  • Clearly mark safe working load ( SWL ) on the air winch below the rig floor .

    标明钻台底下气动绞车的安全 工作 负荷

  • Analysis results indicate : shroud tightness is determined by pre-twist angle of shroud and working load the centrifugal force plays a main role to the tightness change .

    分析结果表明,叶冠的紧度由预扭角和 工作 载荷决定,离心力对紧度的变化起主要作用。

  • Besides the research and calculation materials for the stage of working load the complete moment-curvature curve and the calculation of ultimate deformations are provided too .

    除对 使用 荷载阶段进行研究和给出计算的结果外,也给出弯矩-曲率全曲线和极限变形的计算。

  • Influence factors on working load of pumping unit have many so the conclusion need further perfection .

    然而影响抽油机 工作 载荷状况的因素很多,所以该结论还需要进一步完善。