


  • Some problems are the same the world over

    有些问题在 世界都一样。

  • A sleep will do you the world of good .

    睡一觉你就会 感觉舒服多了。

  • What in the world is he doing ?


  • It 's a beautiful part of the world

    这是 世界 很美的一个地区。

  • When they started to go up in the world they moved to a flat in London .

    他们开始 发家的时候,搬进了伦敦的一所公寓。

  • I never felt I achieved a great deal in my life apart from bringing my children into the world .

    除了生了几个孩子,我从未觉得自己这 辈子取得了很大成就。

  • These new trains are out of this world .

    这些新火车太 了。

  • He looked like something from another world

    他看上去像是从另一个 星球来的。

  • I think the world of him but something tells me it 's not love

    我很 在乎他,但是某种感觉告诉我这不是爱。

  • The satellite enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world .

    卫星使我们能够计算出他们在 世界 任何地方的精确位置。

  • When I 'm swimming I 'm in a world of my own

    游泳的时候,我沉浸在自己的 世界里。

  • All young people must face up to reality and not kid themselves that the world owes them a living .

    所有的年轻人都必须接受现实,不要自欺欺人,觉得生来就该享 清福

  • China has once again emerged as a world power

    中国又一次以 世界强国的姿态崛起。

  • For many the post office is the only link with the outside world

    对很多人来说,这个邮局是与 外界联系的唯一纽带

  • The patient must re-enter a world full of problems and stresses .

    患者必须再次进入充满问题和压力的 世界

  • The saddest thing in the world is a little baby nobody wants


  • The publishing world had certainly never seen an event quite like this .

    出版 以前确实没有遇见过类似这样的事。

  • Athens had strong ties to the Arab world .

    雅典与阿拉伯 世界关系密切。

  • Look we are both men of the world would anyone really mind ?

    听着,我们都是见过 世面的人,真有人会介意吗?

  • Abroad Mr Bush was seen as a world statesman

    在国外,布什先生被看作一位 国际 举足轻重的政治家。

  • More than anything I 'd like to drive around the world

    我最想做的事是开车周游 世界

  • I wouldn 't have missed this for the world .

    我决不会 错过这个。

  • He was one of Newcastle 's most distinguished medical men a world authority on heart-diseases .

    他是纽卡斯尔最优秀的医生之一,也是 世界心脏病方面的权威。

  • Intellectually this man and I are worlds apart

    在智力上,我和这个男子有 天壤之别

  • He wants to show the world that anyone can learn to be an ambassador .

    他想向 世人表明任何人都能通过学习而成为一名大使。

  • The world was and remains shocked


  • In an ideal world Karen Stevens says she would love to stay at home with her two-and-half-year old son


  • His world seemed so different from mine

    他的 生活 圈子和我的似乎有天壤之别。

  • Good fortune will follow you both in this world and the next .

    无论今 还是来生,好运都会伴随你。