working agreement

[ˈwə:kɪŋ əˈɡrimənt][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ əˈɡri:mənt]

[法] 劳动契约,临时解决有关劳动的办法

  • Party A fails to provide labor protection or working condition as stipulated in this Agreement ;

    甲方未按照本 合同 约定提供劳动保护或者 劳动条件的;

  • It is indicated that the grinding force is related to the total wear on the abrasive particles and the ground surface roughness to the number of working cutting edges . The theoretical analysis is in agreement with experimental results .

    理论分析与初步试验结果表明,在磨削过程中磨削力的增大主要与砂轮表面磨粒的磨损棱面有关,工件表面粗糙度主要与 砂轮表面的 工作磨粒数有关。

  • Meanwhile Hanoi has been working towards a Section 123 Agreement with the US which would allow it to import American nuclear technology .

    与此同时,河内也在 致力于与美国 签署 123 条款 协议 (Section123Agreement)。该 协议将允许越南进口美国的核技术。

  • He said the group is working to reach the broad outlines of an agreement by the APEC annual meeting in November .

    他说,这些国家 正在 争取到11月APEC领导人年会召开之时拟出 协议大纲。

  • Seven ( 7 ) Working Days after signing this Agreement If Buyer fails to cause the Letter of Credit .

    买方须在 签约后7个银行 工作天内开出 生效的不可撤销可转让的即期信用证。

  • The EU and us have been working hard at a technical level in recent weeks to reach agreement but differences remain between them on cuts in subsidies and import tariffs .

    欧盟和美国近几周来一直在技术层面 努力 协商,以求达成 协议,但双方在削减补贴和降低进口关税方面依旧存在分歧。

  • To bring about ( a settlement for example ) by working with all the conflicting parties . If an agreement has been reached after mediation the parties to the disputes are obliged to carry out .

    经调解解决通过居间调停的行动以达到(例如,问题的解决) 劳动争议经调解 达成 协议的,当事人应当履行。

  • According to the working principle establish agreement system model .

    根据 协议 工作原理,建立数学模型和系统模型。

  • Study and Thought about Working out Order Technical Agreement of Large and Medium - sized Power Transformer

    关于 编制大中型电力变压器订货技术 协议 的思考和建议

  • All this has been the result of both vision and pragmatism sometimes subordinating national decision - making to European institutions and rules ( the so-called community method ) sometimes working through intergovernmental agreement .

    这一切是远见和务实共同作用的结果,有时国家层面的决策必须服从于欧盟的机构和法规(所谓的共同体方法),有时则需要通过政府间 协议解决

  • Through the applicational research of the above technique objects such as simple operation short working period and reliable quality are achieved and also the working experience and in good agreement in the of cement mixing pile foundation gained is obtained .

    本文通过对热电厂技改工程搅拌桩的技术应用研究,对本工程实现了以下工程目标:达到了施工方便、速度快、施工质量可靠的目标,并且 积累了水泥搅拌桩的 施工经验。

  • Within working days after signature of this tenancy agreement Party B must pay to Party A the rental deposit totaling rmb ; party A agrees to issue a receipt for the said value .

    自本 合同签字之日起个 工作日内,乙方必须向甲方支付租赁押金共计人民币。甲方同时向乙方提供押金收据。

  • Ford said yesterday that both sides are working together in hopes of reaching an agreement .

    福特昨日表示,“双方 正在共同努力,希望达成一份 协议”。

  • Working Party on the Implementation of the Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries

    执行主要国际交通干线 协定 工作

  • Heat transfer of the thermosyphon radiator is analyzed experimental tests with acetone as thermosyphon working fluid have been performed and good agreement between measurement and calculation with analysis model is obtained .

    对热虹吸管散热器进行传热分析,并以丙酮为热虹吸 质进行了实验验证,测试结果与分析模型计算有较好的 一致性。

  • The distribution and working contents are not in agreement .

    校长 工作时间分配与具体内容上有一定的 错位现象。

  • International Working Group for the Elaboration of a Draft European Agreement for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways

    拟订欧洲内陆水道运输危险货物 协定草案国际 工作

  • He said the LCDE is contemplating several cooperation agreements with institutes in developing countries and is currently working on one such agreement with an institute in Costa Rica .

    他说该中心已经与哥斯达黎加等发展中国家的机构 达成了几个合作协议。

  • The fourth chapter studies on-line marking system and structured interviews in Hainan Province using agreement analysis theory which tests the practical working level and deepens the theory value of agreement analysis .

    文章第四章使用一致性分析理论对海南省公务员 考录网上阅卷系统和结构化面试进行实证研究,检验了实际 工作水平,深化了理论研究价值。

  • As I said recently in Washington the parties have agreed to begin first on working to achieve a framework agreement for permanent status .

    正如我最近在华盛顿所谈到的,各方同意开始先 试图达成归属问题的框架 协议

  • The paper introduces the system framework of realized heterogeneous data integration based on Web Services discusses the characteristics and working way of SOAP agreement in detail and takes the actual project as an example for explanation .

    介绍了基于WebServices实现的异构数据集成的体系框架以及相关技术,详细介绍了SOAP 协议的特点和 工作方式,并以实际项目为例加以说明。

  • In March this year you and I had very close in Seoul Korea and over the past three months the working teams of both countries have been working in real earnest to follow through with the important agreement you and I reached .

    今年三月,我们在韩国首尔进行了密切磋商,过去三个月来,两国的工作团队一直在认真 努力,以便落实你我达成的重要 协议

  • We are working hard to ensure that the new agreement will continue to allow for inspections and other mechanisms that allow us to build confidence .

    我们 正在 作出积极努力,确保新 协议将继续包含能够让我们建立信心的检查和其他机制。

  • In Tucuman Argentina local government and nongovernmental organizations are working together to get all relevant institutions to sign an agreement to do more for road safety .

    在阿根廷图库曼,地方政府和非政府组织将 合作,促使所有有关机构签署一项 协定,以便为道路安全开展更多 工作

  • Inter-agency Working Agreement on Water Resources Assessment

    机构间水资源评估 工作 协议

  • They are working towards having all countries sign a peace agreement .

    他们正在 努力设法使所有的国家都签署和平 条约

  • This working document could become the draft of an eventual peace agreement .

    这份 可行性文件可能会成为最终和平 协议的草稿。

  • Answer : basis rules of Shanghai Labor contract concerned regulation the regards establish of working hours unit as working relationship with the hour agreement that be not full-time labor contract is laborer and agreement of unit of choose and employ persons .

    答:根据《上海市劳动合同条例》的有关规定,非全日制劳动合同是劳动者与用人单位约定的以小时作为工作时间单位确立 劳动关系的 协议

  • Following exhaustive negotiations the two sides are working towards a joint agreement on climate change .

    经过旷日持久的谈判,双方正 致力于达成一项有关气候变化的共同 协定

  • The method can improve the load balance of network effectively and provide fast protection of different levels for working routes according to SLA ( service level agreement ) .

    该方案既能有效改善网络的负载平衡,又能 按照服务级别对 工作路径提供不同级别的快速保护,该文对算法的实现进行了详细的描述。