working program

[计] 工作程序

  • This article states a common working program of complicated lost foam product development systematically through the medium of a typical model of lost foam casting production .

    通过一典型产品的消失模铸造生产工艺,系统地阐述了复杂型消失模铸造产品研发的一般性 工作 程序

  • Study on Working Program for Cleaner Production in Regions

    浅议区域清洁生产 工作 规划

  • The hydraulics for a new developed vertical vacuum induction furnace is introduced including its principle working program structure features .

    介绍新研制的立式真空感应熔炼炉的液压系统。阐述该系统 工作原理、 程序、结构及特点。

  • With deep study of simulation method and simulation technology this paper describes the scientific network simulation method and its matter . Then it studies the key OPNET 's simulation technology and gives the working program of OPNET in scientific network simulation study .

    在系统地研究网络仿真方法和仿真技术基础上,描述了一种网络仿真科学研究方法和工作内容,探讨了OPNET的关键仿真技术,介绍了使用OPNET进行科学网络仿真研究的 工作 流程

  • Abstract : in this paper the basic constitution the mathematical base the main design points the working program and the application of the CCD correlation tracker are described .

    文摘:描述了ccd相关跟踪器系统的基本结构和数学基础,给出了系统设计要点、 工作 流程及其应用成果。

  • Working Program for the Specimen Tilt or Rotation Holded of TEM

    透射电镜样品倾转台 工作 程序

  • A network simulator-OPNET is introduced in this paper it has powerful function in network modeling and simulation . The key of OPNET 's simulation technology is discussed and the working program of OPNET in network simulation is studied .

    本文介绍了一个功能强大的网络建模和仿真工具OPNET,探讨了OPNET采用的关键仿真技术,描述了使用OPNET进行网络仿真研究的 工作 流程

  • A study of the general working program of the continuous running of the county rural economy developing plans

    县级农村经济发展规划模型持续滚动实施运转的一般 工作 程序的研究

  • Put forward project logistics risk management research * Through the analysis of the project logistics risk management concepts characteristics principles target content and working program of project logistics risk management was discussed .

    通过对工程物流风险的特点分析,分析了工程物流风险管理的概念,基本原则和管理目标,对工程物流风险管理的内容进行了研究,提出工程物流风险管理的 工作 程序

  • This paper discusses the working program of a novel Design / Build model and its major characteristics and compares the differences between this working program and that of traditional Design / Build model .

    论述了一种新的设计/建造模式的 工作 程序及其主要特征,并与目前流行的设计/建造模式进行了分析比较。

  • It maintains a message queue for the working program monitoring all the input devices simultaneously .

    它为每个 运行着的 程序维持一个消息队列,同时监控着所有的输入设备。

  • This paper discusses the establishment principle and aim of the forewarning system of financial management and analyzes the movement laws and cause of financial risks and crises . On these bases the organization preparation and working program of the whole financial forewarning management system are to be discussed ;

    本论文探讨了企业财务预警管理系统的构建原则和目标,分析了企业财务管理风险的形成原因,在此基础上,论述了企业财务预警管理系统的组织特征和 工作 流程图;

  • The computer control part is further divided into the hardware for signal acquisition and processing the system staring program the preparation and the auxiliary programs and the working program .

    在计算机控制部分中又进一步包含了硬件信号采集及数据处理,软件启动程序,工作准备程序,工作辅助程序和 工作 程序等。

  • Based on the macroscopical intermediate and microcosmic viewpoints the problems should be solved in central commercial area are pointed out . It puts forward the working program and contents and makes suggestions for a suit of planning achievements .

    从宏观、中观、微观三个层次指出城市中心商业区应解决的交通问题,提出了中心商业区交通规划的 工作 程序、内容以及对规划成果内容的建议。

  • In this paper the pro-cess methods of HALT or STOP and DELAY or DESPLAY in the working program have also been described in detail .

    加工 程序中,处理“急停”、“暂停”、“延时”和“显示”的方法,本文都作了详尽的说明。

  • Brief Talk about Project Change and Its Working Program

    浅谈工程变更及其 工作 程序

  • I like the notion of working the program like an artist works a lump of clay .

    我喜欢“ 雕刻 程序”这样的说法,正如艺术家摆弄一块粘土。

  • Examination work is the indispensable and important link in audit working program . To raise the professional level of auditor guarantee the quality of audit work and reduce audit risk is the objective requirement of examination work .

    审理工作是审计 工作 程序中不可缺少的重要环节,提高审计人员的执业水平,保证审计质量,降低审计风险是做好审理工作的客观要求。

  • This paper introduced a distributed fiber optic sensing system for humidity measurement - its principle structures working program performance and application .

    本文介绍了分布光纤传感系统的原理,并在实验的基础上介绍了它的结构、 工作 程序、性能及应用。

  • The functions characteristics design scheme and working program of the instrument are introduced in the paper .

    文章阐述仪器数传电系统的组成、总体功能、方案设计和 工作 流程

  • The working program of ICD was set up according to the results of electrophysiologic study .

    根据电生理检查结果设定ICD的 工作 程序,随访时通过体外程控仪调出ICD储存的资料进行分析。

  • Initial condition and boundary conditions of heat transfer were calculated through the working process program and the empirical formulas .

    传热初始条件和边界条件分别由 工作过程模拟 程序和经验公式计算得到。

  • It is needed to draw machined part graphics in AutoCAD system first and then ISO standard part working program can be generated automatically after interposition machining processing of the system .

    使用该系统需先进入AutoCAD绘制加工零件图形,然后经系统工艺干预后可自动生成ISO数控 加工 程序

  • To introduce the operating principle and working program of the Condition Diagnosis Technique which is included establishing the data base and repository ;

    介绍了故障诊断、状态监测的工作原理和 工作 程序,包括信息库和知识库的建立,以及信号检测、特征提取、状态识别和预报决策等4个 工作 程序

  • Method By use of SQL 2000 system data base in windows 2000 operation system and power builder 8.0 to edit working program connecting more then 30 equipments with server which was communicated with hospital information system ( HIS ) by network card .

    方法在windows2000操作系统中采用SqlServer2000系统数据库,用POWERBUILDER8.0编制 工作 程序,用网卡连接30余台(套)检验仪器至服务器,与医院HIS系统相连接。

  • This paper states the characteristic of engineering bill bidding and its working program to provide direction function for implementing engineering bill bidding .

    本文论述了工程量清单招标特点及其 工作准备和 工作 程序,对指导实施工程量清单招标具有指导作用。

  • There are many factors influencing the health knowledge and behavior we should make the working program of health education and health promotion according to the different characteristics of tuberculosis patients to increase their knowledge correct unhealthy behavior and prevent disease from occurring .

    健康知识、行为的影响是多方面的,应根据结核病患者的不同人群特征,制定健康促进和健康教育 工作 方案,提高患者的知识水平,纠正不良健康行为,预防疾病的发生。

  • Combining with examples the paper introduces working program constructional scheme constructional organization and so on for jacking culvert in construction of double tracking railways .

    结合实践,介绍在铁路复线施工中涵洞顶进的 作业 程序、施工方案、施工组织等技术。

  • The working program of forest price management system is forest description felling area ratification show appropriating imposing forest price and changing the files of forest resource .

    林价管理系统 工作 程序是:伐区调查设计、伐区批复、伐区拨交验收、征收林价、资源变档。

  • The essential structure function working program as well as the application of a digitising and scanning system to the development of new product the design and manufacture of mold cavity and core are described in this paper .

    介绍高速抄数机的基本结构、功能、 工作 流程以及在新产品开发,模具型腔、型芯设计和制造中的具体应用。