work place

[wɚk ples][wə:k pleis]

[经] 工作场所,车间,工厂

  • In fact how we work and behave in office our soft skills at work place are a mirror of our personality in public life .

    实际上,我们在 工作 场合中所采取的工作方式、行为表现和软技能,都是我们生活中性格的映射。

  • What do you think about sexual harassment in the work place ?

    你对 办公室性骚扰 什么看法?

  • Some emergency supplies such as food liquids and shoes must be kept at home and work place .

    家中及 工作 地方应存放一些应急物品,如食物、食水及鞋。

  • In Beijing you are able to find a work place which matches your own specialized field .

    在北京能找到和自己专业 对口 单位

  • Efficiency organization and neatness in the work place ; filing for results .

    保持 职场效率,条理和整洁;进行结果归档。

  • A manager may create a efficient work place .

    经理可以创建一个高效的 工作 场所

  • Do you have an opinion regarding sexual harassment in the work place ?

    关于 办公室性骚扰你持什么意见?

  • Here we mean personal cleanliness cleanliness in the home and at work place and a clean surrounding .

    这里我们说的是个人清洁,家中及 工作 地点的清洁和环境清洁。

  • It is evident that barriers still exist for women in the work place .

    很明显地,对女性来说, 在职 上仍然存在着阻碍。

  • The more conservative your work place is the riskier it is in fact to do this .

    事实上你 工作 地方越是保守,你违反潮流所带来的危险也就越大。

  • People become proud of clean and organized work place .

    清洁和有组织的 工作 场所 使人们变得自豪。

  • I wouldn 't think that they 'd still be so curious or insecure about the work place .

    我没有想到,大家对于 工作 场合的穿着仍然很好奇而且觉得很没把握。

  • Example is work place 's safety specifically creating a culture safety .

    例子是 工作 地点的安全性,特别是创造文化安全性。

  • Stress in the work place can lead to health problems .


  • What training activities and materials are used in your current work place ?

    在你现在的 工作 岗位上,都用什么培训活动或是素材来 引导 员工

  • In dealing with others in the work place don 't expect them to perform as you do .

    工作 场所,与他人互动时,别期待他们也像你一样表现;

  • The next step is never be confused about your work and work place accept it as your second home .

    接下去就不要再困扰于自己的工作和 工作 场所了,把它当做你的第二个家吧。

  • Designer labels are great but heavily logoed clothing and accessories look cluttered and frivolous in the work place .

    有设计师的商标是的,商标太过夸张的衣服和配件在 工作 场所看起来就会很杂乱,轻浮。

  • The greatest hazard in the work place is to look low oneself and believe cannot do it or to take oneself so seriously and feel all in control .


  • It is important to fit into at your work place .

    适应你的 工作 环境非常重要。

  • My Heavenly Father as I enter this work place I bring Your presence with me .

    天父,我将祢的同在带进这 工作 场所

  • Good news . Ah what if be even better if alternative work place is provided .

    好消息。啊哈,如果提供另一个可选择的 工作 地点就更好了。

  • Classmate : So where is the work place of that American company ?

    同学:那么那个美国公司的 工作 地点在什么地方?

  • Our work place is quite crowded but the unit has no money to buy new houses .

    我们的 情况很紧张,单位却无钱购房。

  • We return to the work place with new energy enthusiasm and even a fresh idea or two for tackling problems .

    在度假后,我们重新回到 工作 就能带着新的能量,热情,或者是新主意或一两个解决了的问题。

  • Companies and individual sites choose to apply for VPP by inviting a government regulator into the work place .

    公司和个人选择应用,条约来保证工作参与性,,VPP,commitment,to,ensure,work,participation,通过邀请政府管理人员来 工作 地点

  • Of course easy access to the work place is a must .

    当然,交通便利是必要条件,方便我往来于 酒店 工作 地点

  • Instruction includes basic math skills and life skills such as how to dress behave and deal with conflict in the work place .

    培训内容包括基本数学技能和生活技能,诸如如何着装、如何展示言谈举止及处理 工作 场所 发生的冲突等。

  • As you arrive to your work place

    当你到达你的 工作 场所

  • In work place regardless of being the achievement how outstanding female is also very difficult to be promoted .
