take on trust

[tek ɑn trʌst][teik ɔn trʌst]

凭信用接受, 不经证明[仔细考虑]就相信

  • You 'll have to take my word on trust .

    只管 相信我的话就是了。

  • According to author 's viewpoints the police authorities shall handle the crises in a more positive way take many more considerations on police public relations in order to win the trust from people and to create good environment for dealing with crises properly .

    当危机发生时,警察组织应当站 警察公共关系大局的角度来衡量得失, 积极的态度去赢得公众的 信任,创造妥善处理危机的良好氛围。

  • Research on trust in MAS should take on responsibility of finding the general law of trust among computational entities .

    MAS中信任研究应 担负起发现计算实体之间 信任的一般规律的重任。

  • Why should I take what you 're saying on trust ?

    为什么我 盲目 相信你所讲的呢。

  • So we should take the following measures to strengthen its management : to choose high quality leader and members to establish group culture based on trust to help member overcome isolated feel to improve efficiency of interchange and to adopt relevant inspiration measures .

    因此,加强虚拟团队的人力资源管理可 采取以下措施选拔有能力的领导和高素质的成员队伍、建立 信任为基础的团队文化、帮助成员克服孤立感、提高沟通效率以及采取相应的激励措施。

  • Can GM and the unions take each other on trust ?

    通用和汽车工会 互相 信任吗?

  • In this organization traditional newspapers should take the leading place because of the capability of frame such as editing and dealing with news information on the trust platform .

    联盟中,传统报业 其建构在 公信力平台 的对信息的编辑处理能力而成为盟主,居于核心地位;

  • Commercial search engines have to take measures to eliminate the negative effect of spam . Recently anti-spam algorithms based on trust or distrust propagation is widely used to combat Web spam .

    商业搜索引擎不得不 采取有效的措施,来减少搜索引擎作弊的不良影响。目前 基于 信任或非信任传播的链接反作弊算法被广泛用于抵抗搜索引擎作弊行为。

  • You take certain things on trust .

    某些事情你 不加思索 相信了。

  • Coke is giving no details of expected revenue or cost synergies so investors have to take its promises on trust .

    可口可乐未提供预期营业收入或合并后成本节省的细节,因此投资者 只能 相信它的许诺。

  • Relational embeddedness is proved to take significant positive impacts on trust .

    识别了关系嵌入性 对于 信任的正向显著作用。

  • The choice of which trust modes the sellers take will choose on the ratio between the short-run income of trust mode and the average profits of social capital investment .

    动态博弈时,卖方 选择何种信用模式的临界点是卖方诚实 信用模式的短期收入与社会平均投资利润率的比值。

  • A great guide therefore not only inspires the confidence to take on big challenges and aggressive tours but earns the trust of their team to get off the mountain safely with smiles abound .

    因此,一位伟大的向导不仅要激发团队成员 接受巨大挑战和危险旅程的信心,还要赢得团队的 信任,带领他们安全下山,让探险之旅充满快乐。

  • You should not take his statement on trust .

    你不 应该 盲目 相信他的这一番话。

  • Take it on trust the nationalists say .

    相信 ,苏格兰民族主义者说。

  • The power of least interest can cause people to cloak themselves in indifference rather than take the effort and the risks needed to build relationships based on trust .

    最低兴趣方所拥有的权力可能会导致人们用冷漠的假象隐蔽自我,而不是 采取必要行动、承担必要风险, 信任的基础上建构人际关系。