
[ˈtæməl, ˈtʌm-, ˈtɑməl][ˈtæmɪl]



  • Backdoor a mission to intervene against the Tamil tigers .

    秘密的进行针对 泰米尔 猛虎的行动。

  • Thousands of people allegedly were killed during this final battle between the government and Tamil Tiger rebels .

    斯里兰卡 内战2009 结束。在政府军与 泰米尔叛军猛虎 组织最后一场战斗中,据指称有数以千计的人被打死。

  • Russia is already constructing two units in the southern state of Tamil Nadu .

    俄罗斯在南部的 泰米尔纳德邦开始了两个核电站的建设工程。

  • For example research in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states of India found that after the cost the lack of services in the area was the second most significant barrier to using health facilities .

    例如,在印度北方邦和 泰米尔纳德邦的研究发现,该区域的服务匮乏是排在支出费用之后卫生设施使用方面的第二大障碍。

  • Sri Lanka 's Tamil rebels on the verge of total military defeat have declared a cease-fire .

    在军事上濒临彻底失败的斯里兰卡 泰米尔 猛虎反政府武装宣布停火。

  • Several Sinhala kings are noted for driving back the Tamil invasions .

    若干位僧伽罗国王因击退 泰米尔 入侵而留名。

  • The official languages are English Mandarin Malay and Tamil .

    官方语言是英语,华话,马来语和 泰米尔语

  • They were driven from one big Tamil town Jaffna in1995 .

    这些人是1995年从一个叫做贾夫纳的 泰米尔小镇出来的。

  • Greed for lack of a better word is good . Language : Malay English Chinese and Tamil are the official languages . Malay is the national language .

    没有比贪婪更好的词语了。《华尔街》语言:马来语、英语、华语、和 泰米尔语为官方语言。马来语为国语。

  • The project works in12 villages in India 's rural Karnataka and Tamil Nadu states .

    这个项目在印度农业地区卡纳塔克邦和 泰米尔纳德邦的12个村庄进行。

  • The other official language is Tamil ( 18 % ) .

    其它官方语言是 泰米尔语Tamil)(18%)。

  • Urbanicity is associated with the prevalence of several NCD risk factors in Tamil Nadu India .

    在印度 泰米尔纳德邦,城市化与一些非传染性疾病风险因素的流行程度相关。

  • They said the Tamil Tiger would force them to overstate casualty figures .

    他们说, 塔米尔 猛虎 组织强迫他们夸大上网数字。

  • The festival is celebrated widely in Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka .

    印度的许多地方都会庆祝这个节日,例如 泰米尔纳德邦,安得拉邦和卡纳塔克邦。

  • It alleges that Tamil paramilitary groups affiliated to the government have unfettered access .

    他们还表示,隶属政府的 塔米尔准军事组织为犯罪活动提供了渠道。

  • The origins of Tamil presence on the island are unclear .

    岛上的 泰米尔 起源尚不清楚。

  • Sri Lanka has paid a heavy price for its recent rout of the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam .

    这个国家在最近打击反政府 武装 泰米尔猛虎组织的战争中付出惨痛代价。

  • Sri Lanka government to hold peace talks with Tamil Tigers

    斯里兰卡政府将与 猛虎组织举行和谈

  • The civil actions are by relatives of Tamil victims of alleged extrajudicial killings during the Sri Lankan civil war .

    这些民事案件是由在斯里兰卡内战期间被非法杀害的 塔米尔 猛虎 组织的亲属递交的。

  • After all the Tamil rebels in Sri Lanka the LTTE were big fans of terrorism and assassination .

    毕竟,斯里兰卡的 米尔 分裂者, 泰米尔猛虎组织(LTTE),是一个大的恐怖主义和暗杀的狂热者。

  • The multi-religious and multi-ethnic population includes many Buddhist monks with official languages being Sinhalese and Tamil and English being widely spoken .

    在这个众多信仰共存的多民族国度里有许多佛僧,它的官方语言是僧伽罗语和 泰米尔语,而英语也被广泛使用。

  • A mother in Tamil Nadu India recently had a question for our new series on children and parenting .

    来自印度 泰米尔纳德邦的一位母亲最近对我们最新的孩子及养育系列提出了一个问题。

  • Then he too was killed on the election trail in Tamil Nadu by a suicide bomber .

    但后来,拉吉夫自己又在 泰米尔纳德邦的选举过程中遭遇自杀性爆炸袭击而身亡。

  • The government of Sri Lanka says it is withdrawing from a cease-fire agreement with Tamil rebels because the pact has become meaningless .

    斯里兰卡政府说,即将退出和 泰米尔反政府武装之间的停火协议,因为这份协议没有意义。

  • The affected states are Andhra Pradesh Andaman & Nicobar Islands Tamil Nadu Karnataka Maharashtra Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Kerala and Delhi .

    受影响的邦为安德拉邦、安达曼和尼科巴群岛、 泰米尔纳德、卡纳塔克、马哈拉施特拉邦、古吉拉特邦、中央邦、喀拉拉邦和德里邦。

  • Sri Lanka this year tightly controlled media coverage of fighting that led to the defeat of the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam .

    斯里兰卡今年收紧媒体对战事的报导。 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织在战斗中被打败。

  • The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam once controlled a large area of the north and east .

    从前, 米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织控制了北部和西部的大片区域。