tangential velocity

[tænˈdʒɛnʃəl vəˈlɑsɪti][tænˈdʒenʃəl viˈlɔsiti]


  • In the radial of EMS magnetic flux density and electromagnetic force decrease with the increase of frequency the influence of frequency on tangential velocity is very little .

    沿搅拌器中心径向,磁感应强度和电磁力随频率增加而减小,频率对 流速的影响不大。

  • Its maximum axial and tangential velocity attenuate proportionally with the negative index of its distance from the nuzzles .

    旋转射流截面最大轴向速度和 速度与喷距的负指数成正比关系衰减。

  • The tangential velocity distribution in the annular region of a turbo air classifier was investigated by laser doppler velocimeter ( LDV ) .

    采用激光多普勒测速计研究了涡流分级机环形区气流的 速度分布。

  • Numerical techniques related to the calculation of normal vector tangential velocity curvature and contact line are explained in detail .

    文中介绍了有关泡面法 矢量、 速度、曲率和接触线等的计算技术。

  • The simulation results show that radial velocity and tangential velocity occur at the same time whose amplitude and direction are influenced by the exciting voltage and parameters of the fluid .

    通过仿真发现,液体媒质同时存在 流动和径向流动,是一种紊流,速度的大小和方向与激励电压和液体参数密切相关。

  • It was discovered also that the viscidity of the turbulent flow has quite big impact on the tangential velocity and the static pressure while little impact on the axial velocity . 4 .

    同时发现,湍流粘度对 速度和静压力影响较大,而对轴向速度影响较小。

  • CFD code Fluent is appealed to mapping the flow fields and the results give the distributions of tangential velocity axial velocity radial velocity and the pattern of flow streamlines .

    利用CFD软件Fluent对涡流内流场进行数值模拟,获得了 速度、轴向速度和径向速度的分布及流线形态。

  • The results show that the swirl intensity has a remarkable effect on the profiles of axial velocity the vortex structure of tangential velocity the two-phase fluctuation velocity and the anisotropy of turbulence .

    结果表明:旋流数的变化对轴向速度的分布和 速度的似固核-位涡结构,以及两相脉动速度和两相湍流各向异性都有比较明显的规律性影响;

  • The wind error retrieved with VAP method mainly focus on tangential velocity sometimes the error is very big .

    VAP法反演的二维风场,误差主要集中在 分量,有时误差是很大的。

  • Simulation results show that the rotating characteristics of the air in the twisting chamber were very obvious . With the spray angle increased the tangential velocity and radial velocity increased but the axial velocity was decreased .

    模拟结果显示各喷嘴加捻室中的气流旋转特征非常明显,并随着喷孔角度的增大, A-A 截面 速度和径向速度增大,而轴向速度减小。

  • We present a symplectic analytical method for the study of two-dimensional low Reynolds number flow in a wedge-shaped cavity caused by constant unit tangential velocity of the curved wall .

    采用辛对偶方法对楔形空腔 边界驱动的低雷诺数流动进行计算,研究了楔形空腔内的 流场变化。

  • Flue gas out-let temperature approcich to adiabatic saturation temperature and tangential velocity of spray whool etc.

    化学计量比、烟气绝热饱和温度值、喷雾轮 速度等因素,对脱硫的影响很大。

  • The tangential velocity decreases with the distance out of core radius .

    核心半径处的 速度达到最大值,而远离核心半径 速度会逐渐减小。

  • Flow field value inside of cyclone separator in different pressure is compared . The results show that the pressure has little influence on axial velocity and radial velocity of cyclone separator but more influence on tangential velocity .

    将不同压力下的旋风分离器的内部流场进行对比,结果表明,压力对旋风分离器的轴向速度和径向速度的影响很小,但是对 速度影响较大。

  • A high resolution shallow-water model is designed to study the roles which the topographical parameter and latitudinal basic flow play in the propagation of vortex Rossby waves and typhoon tangential velocity changes .

    设计了一个高分辨率的浅水模式,以研究地形参数和纬向基流在涡旋Rossby波传播和台风 风速变化中的作用。

  • The field of whole flow field and tangential velocity between stator and rotor were imitated based on FLUENT . The analysis in theory was replenished .

    利用计算流体力学通用软件FLUENT对整体流场和定转子间隙 流场 向流 速度场进行了数值模拟,并对理论分析进行了补充。

  • According to the simulation results maximum tangential velocity appears near wall .

    根据模拟结果分析可以 看出 流体 速度最大值出现在壁面附近。

  • The experiment investigation are conducted on the flow drag temperature distribution efficiency in the swirl augmentor model with different tangential velocity profiles .

    对模型的流体 阻力、温度分布和 燃烧效率进行了试验研究。

  • The distribution laws of oil-water two-phase volumetric concentrations pressure tangential velocity axial velocity and radial velocity in the flow field are obtained which reveals the separation characteristics of oil and water phases .

    分析了 旋流 内部的体积浓度分布、压力分布,以及 、轴向和径向 速度分布的规律,揭示了油水两相流的分离特性。

  • The experimental results show that the tangential velocity and axial velocity components of the swirl flow along radial were divided into the near-axis the transition and the near-wall zones .

    实验表明:这类等离子体反应器中,旋流 速度 分量和轴向速度分量径向分布划分成近轴、过渡和近壁区。

  • For guaranteeing the stability of blisk twisty tunnel in ECM a process mode was presented where the tangential velocity of cathode relative to workpiece kept steady in the whole process .

    为保证整体叶盘扭曲通道电解加工的顺利进行,提出了工具电极相对于工件的运动在全程中保持 的加工方式。

  • The double peaks in tangential velocity profiles are not observed .

    此外,没有观察到 速度分布的双峰分布现象。

  • Distributions of the pressure gradient tangential velocity and vortex reveal a good correlation among them ;

    压强梯度的变化与 速度 变化以及涡的分布一致;

  • The change law of tangential velocity and radial velocity with along section liquid and gas phases on-way attenuation law of near-wall region bubble are obtained respectively through statistical experimental data .

    通过计算,获得了水相及气相的 速度和径向速度沿断面的变化规律;获得了近壁区域气泡的沿程衰减规律。

  • The relations of the distribution of the stream-function the tangential velocity and the axial velocity with the revolution velocity the rotation velocity of the inner cylinder and the eccentric distance are analyzed .

    分析了上述流动的流函数、 速度和轴向速度分布与内管公转、自转速度和环空偏心距之间的关系。

  • The topographic parameter sensitivity to vorticity propagation and typhoon tangential velocity changes

    地形对涡量传播和台风 风速变化的参数敏感性

  • And the distribution of the stream - function 、 the tangential velocity and the axial velocity are plotted .

    并绘制出流函数、 速度和轴向速度分布图;

  • A detailed analysis of the separator in each cross section velocity tangential velocity axial velocity radial velocity static dynamic pressure and total pressure distribution law .

    详细分析了分离器内各截面的速度矢量、 速度、轴向速度、径向速度、静压、动压及总压的分布规律。

  • Four tangential velocity distributions considered are Rankine vortex forced vortex free vortex and constant angle vortex .

    旋流 出口的四种 速度分布为:Rankine涡、强迫涡、自由涡和常数角涡。

  • Larger tangential velocity and radial velocity are beneficial to the separation of the fiber and the yarn twisting .

    较大的 速度和径向速度有利于纱线的加捻和纤维的分离,故选择喷气涡流纺喷嘴时,为更容易纺纱和提高纱线质量,喷孔角度应适当大些。