take air

[tek er][teik eə(r)]


  • Go outdoors and take the air how cold it is !

    吸一口屋外的 空气好冷呀!

  • Can not take pain air can also clean the strange smell of cutlery clean ?

    可以不 力气,也能把餐具的异味去除干净?

  • When man goes into space he must take air food and water .

    人类进入太空,必须 携带 空气、食物和水。

  • How long will it take by air mail ?

    航空邮件寄要 多长时间?

  • How it was able to take down air force one with one of our own missiles .

    并且怎么可能用我们自己的导弹 空军一号击落。

  • Cotton cloth has very strong suction wet sex monsoon when or the area of southern moisture answer to often take air to be basked in .

    棉布有很强的吸潮性,雨季的时候,或南方潮湿的地区,应不时 出来 晾晒一下。

  • The diaphragm for example forces the lungs to take in air .

    例如隔膜肌。它带动肺部 吸入 空气

  • To critical floating velocity experiment take the air velocity and moisture content of rapeseeds as factors .

    而针对油菜籽悬浮速度的测定试验, 选择 风速、含水率作为试验因素,悬浮速度测定试验台上完成了既定的试验。

  • Explains : The producer gas generator product explains Our company designs the manufacture producer gas generator is take the air and the steam as vaporization medicinal preparation production combination gas advanced equipment .

    说明:我公司设计制造的煤气发生炉,是 空气和水蒸气为气化剂,生产混合煤气的先进设备。

  • You will not take the air today Miss Edwards .

    今天你不能 散步 了,爱德华小姐。

  • Whales take in air through blowholes near the tops of their heads .


  • Passepartout about nine o'clock went out upon the platform to take the air .

    上午将近九点钟的时候,路路通 到车桥上去透透 空气

  • Once they are out on the street the cars will take in air and replace it with poisonous gases . Again more smoke and soot .

    汽车一旦出厂在街上行驶,将会 吸进 空气,排出有毒的气体,再次增加空气中的烟尘。

  • Then he would take an air liner to another city for travel .

    然后他会 一架 班机去另一个城市旅游。

  • We take in air .

    我们 吸进 空气

  • The Way of Strategic Innovative Thinking in the Opening Environment & Take Air Cargo Industry of China for Example

    开放市场环境中的创新型企业战略思维路径& 航空货运业为例

  • A few muscles have special functions . the diaphragm for example forces the lungs to take in air .

    有几块肌肉的作用较特殊,例如隔膜肌。它带动肺部 空气

  • The ship moving and propeller cavitations which can take air into water and form bubble film which contains a large number of bubbles Wake motivation bubble film .

    舰船在水上运动及螺旋桨的空化作用会 空气带入水中形成含有大量气泡的气泡幕,运动的气泡幕即尾流。

  • How long does the flight take ? Air Korea is the only one to be authorized to use the new flight route .

    这个航班 飞多久?获准飞航这条新航线的将只限于高丽 航空

  • Dell hopes to take a little air out of Apple 's sails with the Adamo .

    戴尔希望 借此一点点 空气与阿达莫苹果的帆了。

  • This paper take fresh air of VAV air condition system as research object mainly discussed the trait of fresh air distribution analysed the energy augment for meliorate .

    本文 VAV空调系统的 新风量为研究对象,主要探讨办公建筑中VAV空调新风量的分配特征,分析各种改善新风分配的措施及其能耗增加情况。

  • Does that mean he should take air force one hostage ?

    难道这就意味着他应该 劫持 空军一号?

  • Take air pollution the most important social environmental indicator .


  • Time to Play Outdoors ! They used to take the air in the evening .

    他们过去常在傍晚时去 户外 散步

  • I came forth to take the air .

    我出来 透气

  • Take air as carrier if there is not supply of oxygen proceed air-ether anesthesia .

    无氧源时, 空气作载气,进行空气乙醚麻醉;

  • The jumps were necessary for him to take air .

    它必须跳出水面来 呼吸 空气

  • I can never take air drag out .

    我无法 消除 空气阻力。

  • The European Central Bank 's purchases of Spanish and Italian sovereign debt continue to take the air out of inflated bond yields .

    欧洲中央银行购买西班牙和意大利政府债券的行动持续 降低了人们对公债利息过度膨胀的担忧。

  • I sit in rice field with mouth open and take water from air .

    我坐在稻田里,张开嘴, 空气中的水。