take over

[tek ˈovɚ][teik ˈəuvə]


  • In 1966 Pastor Albertz took over from him as governing mayor

    1966年, 帕斯特·艾伯茨接替他担任主管市长。

  • The state may take over urban or rural land .

    国家可以 城乡土地实行 征用

  • She took over as chief executive of the Book Trust .


  • I told him to let Xiao Zhang take over the job but he refused to hand it over .

    我要他 小张 ,可他就是不放手。

  • They concluded to take over the airport .

    他们决定 接管机场。

  • The parliament in Madrid was taken over by civil guards .

    马德里议会大厦被国民警卫队 接管了。

  • Prime candidate to take over his job is Margaret Ramsay .

    接替他工作的首要人选是 玛格丽特·拉姆齐

  • Have a rest . I 'll take over .


  • A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways .

    一家英国报纸称,英国航空公司计划 接管环球航空公司。

  • It 's still far from clear what action the government proposes to take over the affair

    政府打算 采取何种行动处理该事件仍然十分不明朗。

  • His widow has taken over the running of his empire including six London theatres

    他的遗孀已 接手管理他创下的帝国,其中包括6家伦敦剧院。

  • She decided that I was the ideal person to take over the job

    她认定我是 接手这份工作的最佳人选。

  • There are not enough trained younger men and women ready to take over from older experts .

    现在科技人材 青黄不接

  • Use your military might and force to take over the World one city at a time !

    用你的军事实力和部队 接管世界,一次一个城市!

  • So you can take over the fathering of my child ?

    那么你就能 我孩子的父亲

  • Hunt wanted to know would I be prepared to take over the whole operation and supervise it ? At first I demurred

    亨特想要知道我是否有准备 接手整个行动并对其进行监督。刚开始我表示反对。

  • The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate

    比利时人依照国际联盟的授权 接管了卢旺达。

  • When the final vote came rationality took over .

    最后一轮投票时,理性占了 上风

  • Cars gradually took over from horses

    汽车 逐渐替代了马匹。

  • I 've been driving for two hours ; would you take over for a while ?

    我已经开了两个小时的车了,你能接着 一会儿

  • I need one week to hand over and take over my work .

    我需要一个星期 交接我的工作。

  • There are now more than 20 big companies waiting in the wings to take over some of its business .

    现有20多家大公司随时准备 接手其部分业务。

  • Kalan called his assistant Hashim to take over while he went out

    考兰叫助理哈希姆 自己外出时代理其职。

  • You are to take over one of the subdivisions .


  • A new person has been appointed to take over his work .

    已经派人来 接替他的工作。

  • But you 're leaving soon . I should take over .

    但是你很快要走了,我要 接手

  • My family need me so I can not take over this job .

    我的家庭需要我,所以我不能 接受这份工作。

  • I was assigned to take over your position .

    我被指派 接任你的位置。

  • Last year Cray failed to take over the software company when it was outbid by Electronic Data Systems .

    去年,由于电子数据系统公司竞价更高,克雷未能 收购这家软件公司。