take back

[tek bæk][teik bæk]


  • I enjoyed experimenting with colours — it took me back to being five years old

    我喜欢尝试各种颜色——它使我感觉像是 回到了5岁的时候。

  • He left the company with nothing to take back home .

    他离开了公司,没有 任何东西 回家

  • Can you please take back about me insulting you ?

    你能否 收回说我侮辱你的话?

  • The government has agreed to take back those people who are considered economic rather than political refugees .

    政府同意 那些被认为是经济难民的人 回国,但政治难民不包括在内。

  • I have got to find Lucinda and get her to take back the curse .

    我必须要找到露欣达,让她 收回咒语。

  • It 's one of those discoveries you wish you could take back .

    这是你希望可以 带走的这些发现之一。

  • If you don 't take back what you said about me I 'm going to knock your head off .

    要是不 说你的话 收回,我就要狠狠揍你。

  • I totally take back all those times I didn 't want to nap when I was younger .

    我完全 收回了那些时光,在我年轻的时候,根本就不想打瞌睡。

  • How many bottles of wine am I allowed to take back duty-free ?

    我可以 多少瓶 免税的葡萄酒?

  • This takes me back .

    这使我 想起过去

  • I can 't take back what I said that day .

    我记不 那天我说了 什么。

  • I take it back I think perhaps I am an extrovert

    收回说过的 ,我想也许我是外向型的人。

  • Even four horses cannot take back what one has said . ; What has been said cannot be unsaid .

    一言既出, 驷马难追

  • Why did she take him back ?

    她怎么又 回家了?

  • Let me go back if I can Let me take back to this all right ?

    如果我可以,让我回去,让我 回到这儿,好吗?

  • If I buy something and he doesn 't like it I 'll take it back

    要是我买的东西他不喜欢的话,我就会 退货

  • I take back every rotten thing I ever said about christmas .


  • Did your brother entrust anything to you to take back to england ? Said he .

    “你的弟弟有没有托你 什么东西 英国?”他说道。

  • If you win take back what is mine .

    要是你赢了, 取回我的东西。

  • With your help we can take back the world .

    由于你的帮助,我们可以 世界。

  • The boy tried to take back his dog .

    那少年设法将他的狗 回去

  • I 'll only take back what 's mine .

    我只会 拿回属于我的东西。

  • She implored you take back lark .

    她恳求你 带回百灵。

  • I once took back a pair of shoes that fell apart after a week .

    有一次,我 退了一双刚穿一个星期就开裂的鞋。

  • Take back what you said about Jeremy !


  • I want you to take back the unkind things you said about kenneth .

    我要你 收回你说肯尼斯的坏话。

  • I went to the library and took your books back


  • Who says you can take back a move ?

    谁说你能 悔棋的?

  • I 'm gonna mess you up real bad and take back all that money .

    再说谎我会对你很粗暴,而且 拿回所有钱。