take into account

[tek ˈɪntu əˈkaʊnt][teik ˈɪntuː əˈkaunt]


  • His exam results were not very good but we must take into account his long illness .

    他的考试成绩不很好,但我们必须 考虑 他曾经长期生病。

  • Back in the real world governments would have to take into account the risk of contagion .

    在现实世界中,政府必须 考虑危机蔓延的风险。

  • We should emphasize that the optimization process must take into account the fact .

    我们要强调指出,最佳化过程应 考虑 这种事实。

  • This planning must take into account all the factors that can affect the installation .

    这个计划必须 考虑 所有可能会影响安装的因素。

  • The control plan for pre-launch and production shall take into account the design FMEA and manufacturing process FMEA outputs .

    在试生产和生产阶段的控制计划中要 考虑设计FMEA和制造过程FMEA输出。

  • Take into account all areas of your life when you do this .

    回答这个问题时,你 考虑 生活里的各个方面。

  • I am just a broken child there is no need to take into account .

    我只是个破小孩,没有什么需要 顾及

  • The degree of reciprocity in negotiations should take into account the varying stages of economic development .

    谈判中对等的程度应 考虑 经济发展的不同阶段。

  • I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper .

    我希望老师在阅卷时能 考虑 我恰好在考试前生病的事实。

  • There are some key options and considerations to take into account .

    有一些关键选项和注意事项 需要 考虑

  • The bonuses will also be adjusted to take into account losses as well as profits .

    公司在发奖金时,还将 亏损和盈利都 考虑 在内

  • Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses

    考虑 一下你自己的优缺点。

  • The study did not take into account the cost of going to college .

    这项研究并没有 考虑 上大学的费用。

  • I hope you will take into account the situation we are facing now before you make the decision .

    我希望在你作出决定之前你 考虑 一下我们现在目前面临的形势。

  • They must take into account the project 's unique needs and requirements .

    他们必须 考虑项目独特的要求和需求。

  • Our strategy must take into account the possibility that our guesses are wrong .

    在制定战略方针时,我们必须 考虑 我们的猜测有可能是错误的。

  • But it does not really take into account the other dimensions in a relationship .

    而这实际上没有 关系中的其他方面 考虑 进去

  • Take into account your long-term requirements to ensure you have the resources you need .

    长期的需要 考虑 在内以确保你得到所需要的资源。

  • He advises that consideration of the risks of OC use should also take into account the benefits .

    他建议,考虑OC使用风险的同时也 考虑其优点。

  • Compensation awards take into account the pain and suffering caused to the victim .

    赔偿金的裁定额 考虑 了受害者所经受的痛苦和折磨。

  • The orientation step should take into account the users'experience and skill level .

    “确认”这一步骤必须 考虑用户的经验和技能水平。

  • Many of the outstanding Gentlemen are busy in personal development and do not take into account private issues .

    许多优秀儒雅的男士由于忙于个人事业的发展,没有多余的 时间 顾及和解决个人问题;

  • Did you take into account the extra payment ?

    额外支出 考虑 进去了吗?

  • Take into account the quality and workmanship you will find the price is justified .

    考虑 质量和做工,你会发现其价格是公道的。

  • To evaluate this bid we have to take into account their experience and past performance on similar contracts .

    为了对这个投标书进行评估,我们必须 考虑他们对类似合同的经验和履约状况。

  • Our party and state will take into account all the possible consequences of the Chinese-American contacts .

    我们的党和国家将会 考虑中美接触的一切可能的后果。

  • Eg. you did not take into account our different backgrounds .

    你没有 考虑 我们的背景不同。

  • To take into account ; consider .

    考虑 进去;考虑。

  • I think you have to take into account that he 's a good deal younger than the rest of us .

    我想你必须 考虑 他比我们所有人要年轻得多。