take office

[tek ˈɔfɪs][teik ˈɔfis]


  • Most politicians try to say something uplifting when they take office .

    大多数政客在 就职时会试图说一些鼓舞士气的话。

  • Ban would take office next January to replace Kofi Annan a Ghanaian who steps down after having completed two five-year terms .

    明年1月,潘基文将 接替已完成两个五年任期的加纳人科菲·安南。

  • Mr Hollande will take office on May 15 .

    奥朗德将于5月15日 就职

  • As you take office in January 2013 you must acknowledge that for the past year gridlock and misguided priorities have stopped policymakers addressing our economic concerns .

    当你 2013年1月 连任之后,必须承认在过去一年,政治僵局和政策重心受误导,使得政策制定者未能解决我们担心的经济问题。

  • For not disappoint leads the be on the tiptoe of expectation to me all right after I go to take up office began immediately a series of the job .

    为了不辜负行领导对我的殷切期望,我 走马上任后就马上开展了一系列的工作。

  • Sunday 's ceremony shown live on television was needed because the US Constitution mandates that the president take office on January 20 .

    周日的宣誓仪式将实时在电视上直播,之所以举行这一仪式是因为美国宪法规定总统必须在1月20日这天 就职

  • Ten years on I am ready to take office as chief executive of brand me .

    十年过去了,现在我准备 担任自己品牌的首席执行官。

  • He realized that he could not in good conscience take office in the present government .

    他认识到他的确不能在现政府中 任职

  • Section 2 . Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice-President the President shall nominate a Vice-President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress .

    遇有副总统职位出缺,总统应提名一名副总统,经国会两院多数票批准后 就职

  • Then they were assigned to take office in distinct places of the Three Kingdoms after belonging to one certain Kingdom .

    归属某一政权后,他们又被分派到不同地域 任职

  • I now take office in the United States a car parts manufacturing business once the world 's top500 enterprises .

    我现在 就职的是美国一家汽车制造零配件企业,曾经的全球500强企业。

  • I replied that he would be a much stronger prime minister were he to take office not feeling he owed anything to the big media groups .

    我回答说,如果他 上台时能做到一点都不觉得自己对大型媒体集团有所亏欠,就能成为一个更强的首相。

  • I believe I am the first Director-General who can take office and on the same day wish staff a happy new year .

    我相信,我是第一个能够 就职当天祝福全体职员新年好的总干事。

  • The young man will not take office with the same authority his father had said Stephen Bosworth who was the US envoy for North Korea policy until October .

    “这个年轻人 上台时,不会拥有其父当年拥有的权威,”10月份刚离任的前美国朝鲜政策特别代表斯蒂芬博斯沃思(stephenbosworth)表示。

  • When you take office supplies home you are stealing .

    办公室的用品 回家,你就在偷窃了。

  • An intriguing and to many inspiring politician he will take office in January from the most unpopular president in modern time .

    这位富有魅力的对很国人来说倍受鼓舞的政治家,将会从现代最不受欢迎的总统 执掌大权。

  • Thankfully Argentina will hold a Presidential election on October 25th and a new administration will take office there in December 2015 which will provide an exit from a financial strategy that has all the hallmarks of being designed by a petulant teenager .

    值得庆幸的是,阿根廷将于10月25日举行总统选举,新一届政府将于2015年12月 上台,为退出目前这种孩子气十足的财政战略提供了契机。

  • Mr Obama will not take office until January20th but he can use the next ten weeks well .

    奥巴马在1月20日之前不会 就职,但他可以很好的利用未来的10周。

  • One reporter wrote that Dewey was acting like a man who had already been elected and was only passing time waiting to take office .

    一个记者写道,杜为看起来好像已经胜券在握,一边打发时间一边等着 上任

  • Cabinet members are required to disclose family financial assets first when they take office and later when they leave .

    在日本,内阁成员在 就职及离任时均须申报家庭财产。

  • There 's confusion and resentment and it 's almost never expressed out in the open . Take this office for example

    有人迷惘,有人憎恨,可是几乎谁也没有公开表达过。 这个 办公室的人来说吧。

  • The South wants no part of a union with Lincoln in the White House . But as he prepares to take office the president-elect is still determined to avoid a civil war .

    南方不愿成为林肯所主持的联邦的一部分,但在他宣布 就任前夕当选总统仍然决意要避免一场内战。

  • Our hope is the new Congress begins work on this as soon as they take office in January because we do not have time to waste .

    我们希望新一届国会明年1月 开始 工作后能立即开始在这个问题上工作,因为我们没有时间可以浪费。

  • The president-elect has been preparing to take office in january .

    当选总统已在准备于一月份 就职

  • The new president will take office in january .

    新总统将于1月 就职

  • I take office with pride : pride in our reputation for technical excellence pride in the value and impact of our work and pride in the efficiency of our performance .

    充满骄傲的心情 就职:为我们杰出技术专长的声誉而骄傲,为我们工作的价值和影响而骄傲,为我们业绩的效益而骄傲。

  • The presidential decree is expected to be declared by issued in mid-February after winning cabinet approval and before Mr Lee and his government take office .

    预计这项总统令将在获得内阁批准后、李明博及其政府 就职前于2月中旬颁布。

  • You take office as a second home would you like to share with us some interesting issues happened in SED ?

    记者:您 公司当作第二个“家”,和我们分享一下在这个大家庭生活中发生的趣事?