take first place

[tek fɚst ples][teik fə:st pleis]


  • What do we need to take for the trip ? In the first place we must make sure we have enough food and drink . What soft drinks do you have ?

    此行我们需要 些什么? 首先我们必须确保带有足够的食物和饮料。你有什么不含酒精的饮料吗?

  • China steel tube trade is being a turning point concerning which should take the first place between seamless tube and welded tube .

    目前中国的钢管业正处在 新的发展转折点和平衡点,尤其是无缝管和焊管的争论已成为近几年的焦点。

  • Until September 2005 China ( including main land and HongKong ) has exceeded Japan to take the first place in the world in having foreign exchange reserves .

    到2005年9月底,中国(包括内地和香港)已超过日本 首次成为世界外汇储备 第一大国。

  • Those who feel guilty and still have bonuses in the bank to redistribute may try to give something back to society ( raising the question why they thought it was all right to take it away in the first place ) .

    那些感到愧疚而且在银行里仍然有奖金可以用于再分配的人,可能会试图回馈一些东西给社会(这引发了下列问题:为何他们 最初 认为 拿走奖金是对的呢?)

  • The traditional idea holds that language teaching is centrally concerned with how to teach rather than what to teach . In other ' words teaching methodology take the first place and teaching content the second .

    传统上人们一直认为,语言教学关注的是怎么教而不是教什么,即教学方法是 第一 问题,教学内容 是第二位问题。

  • The quick son is a director and diligent and eager to learn knowledge girl always take the first place in the class scholarship planned numbers in the institute all have her too .

    敏子是个董事而又勤奋好学的女孩,在班级总 第一 ,学院的奖学金名额也都有她。

  • From the relationship between corporate governance and financial report the article discusses the financial reporting mode under the corporate governance in which the stakeholders take the first place .

    本文以理清公司治理与财务报告之间的逻辑关系 入手,探讨在利益相关 共同治理结构下的财务报告模式。

  • Canada is one of the countries that first develop and make use of green nephrite . It has abundant green nephrite resources and its reserves take the first place in the world . Its market prospect is very brilliant .

    加拿大是世界上最早开发和利用碧玉的国家之一,其碧玉资源十分丰富,储藏量 世界 首位,市场前景十分广阔。

  • Some things take first place in our hearts ;

    有些事情在我们心里 首要 位置

  • In my opinion the absolute best way to cut the costs of business trips is not to take some trips in the first place .

    就我来看,削减差旅费最好的方法是 首先 出差次数不要太多。

  • Then w did you even take me back in the first place ?

    为什么你后来与我 重归与好?

  • Due to the difficulty to find in an early stage and spreading or metastasizing easily in the abdomen and pelvic cavity the high incidence and high mortality rate in women malignant tumor take the first place .

    由于早期不易发现,且容易在腹、盆腔播散转移,其高发病率,高死亡率 妇女恶性肿瘤 首位

  • For over eighty years the basic reason why the party of republic of china could overcome the trouble keep dynamic and alive and open up new states is that we take the ideological construction the first place and always set first hand to it .

    80多年来,党能够不断战胜困难,保持着生机与活力,不断开拓新境界的最根本原因在于:党始终 思想建设 首位,着重从思想上建设党。

  • In the construction of service culture we take the patients interest in the first place .

    在努力营造以病人为中心的服务文化中,一切 病人利益出发, 以人为本

  • Therefore only in this way to make the business intelligent and carry out scientific management can we result in reform of the companies and take the first place in the market .

    因此,商业智能化、管理科学化才是引领企业变革, 抢占市场 先机的制胜法宝。

  • In the 19th century capial and labour force take the first place in the economic growth while after the middle period of the 20th century science and technology is in the first place .

    19世纪时,资本和劳力在经济增长中 首位,到了20世纪50年代以后,科技的作用占了首位。

  • The incidence of intracranial hemorrhage was 40 % and subarachnoid hemorrhage take the first place occupy the 90 % of the total number of intracranial hemorrhage . It suggested that we must pay attention to the prevention and treatment of encephalic injury in neonates with birth asphyxia .

    颅内出血的 发生率为40%,又 蛛网膜下腔出血多见,占颅内出血总数的90%,提示新生儿窒息后要重视对脑损伤的防治。

  • World champion Sautin of Russia outscored his Chinese rivals to take first place in the Battle for the Olympic men 's platform diving title on Thursday .

    星期四,在奥运会男子跳台跳水赛中,俄罗斯选手、世锦赛冠军 萨乌丁击败中国对手,获得冠军。

  • The period of the highest death rate of disease is in the first 3 days after hospitalized ( 55.27 % ) and most children ( 79.87 % ) died of inflammation . Accident and poisoning take the first place of death cause of pediatrics surgical diseases .

    新生儿期和婴儿期是住院死亡高发期,共占54.32%。79.87%的病儿死于感染性疾病,中毒和意外损伤 儿外科死因的 首位,住院最初3d病死率最高(55.27%)。

  • With a win the chicago Bulls could take over first place in the Eastern Conference Playoff race .

    只要在多胜一场,芝加哥公牛队 可以 抢到东部赛区的 第一

  • Iron mine is the main resource in the area and iron resource reserves take the first place in China .

    区内铁矿众多,铁资源储量为 全国 首位

  • The scale of students professional categories pilot results etc. of five-year higher vocational and technical education in Jiangsu province take the first place in china .

    从全国范围 来看,江苏省五年制高职教育的在校生规模、专业种类、试点成果等等均 全国 第一

  • These duties should take first place .

    这些职责应该 首位

  • Given this countries take active reforming rescue measures in the first place to avoid directly entering bankruptcy liquidation procedure and to protect depositors ' interests in a greater degree .

    鉴于此,各国对问题银行都是 首先 采取积极的重整救助措施,避免其直接进入破产清算程序,更大程度上保护存款人的利益。

  • I mean why did he take this case in the first place ?

    我是说他为什么 立马 了这案子?

  • HIM : Don 't know why but in my heart foreigners always take first place .

    不知道为什么。在我心中,外国人就是 第一

  • Naturally the corporate governance structure in which the shareholders take the first place transforms into the other structure in which the stakeholders take the first place .

    相应 ,公司治理也由股东 至上的公司治理结构转变为利益相关者共同治理的公司治理结构。

  • No matter how lofty public welfare activities are they can 't be allowed to take first place in a player 's life says the China Sports Daily .

    “公益活动再崇高,也不能在现役球员的生活中 占据 首位,”《中国体育报》如是说。

  • In 2006 the product of fresh water in China was up to 23 tons and take the first place in the world .

    据2006年统计,我国淡水鱼产量已达2350万吨, 世界 第一