take my word for it

[tek maɪ wɚd fɔr ɪt][teik mai wə:d fɔ: it]


  • For now just take my word for it & you are a big creation machine and you are turning out a new manifestation literally as fast as you can think .

    目前,只要 相信 好了――你是个大创造机,而你真的是象你所能想象的那样很快的造出一个新的具象。

  • Look hattie take my word for it . everybody 's gonna be a winner for this .

    瞧,哈蒂, 的,这件 里所有人都会是赢家。

  • Don 't take my word for it – in just a few minutes online you too can sample a chorus of similar feminine laments .

    轻信 ,你在网上花上几分钟就可以品味一系列类似的女性悲叹。

  • We knew the density of steel and so you can figure out the mass just take my word for it .

    我们知道铁的密度,所以你能算出质量, 相信 的。

  • You 'll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house take my word for it .

    你要是买那栋房子只会买来麻烦, 的都是 的。

  • He need not take my word for it .

    这个问题上,他不必 回事

  • So you just have to take my word for it that we have put on the other side just some water to balance it out .

    所以在 这里,我们在另一端, 放水来平衡。

  • And you dont have to take my word for it .

    你们 必只

  • Take my word for it .


  • And then take my word for it I nearly killed her .

    后来, 实在的,我也差一点儿没有 它打死。

  • Take my word for it that if you are in too great a hurry you will certainly live to repent it .

    相信 的,你若是过于匆忙,以后一定会后悔莫及。

  • Hey don 't take my word for it see for yourself

    嘿, 可能相信,那么你就自己来确认一下吧

  • You can take my word for it she 's not there .

    你可以 相信 ,她不在那里。

  • I am not a bad man take my word for it but I have done wrong .

    我不是坏人, 保证,但我做了错事。

  • Take my word for it it 's a turkey 's egg .

    相信 !这是一个火鸡的蛋。

  • Just take my word for it that it was a frame .

    你只要 记住这全是 诬陷 行了。

  • Take my word for it there 's no cash on the premises .

    相信 !屋子里没有现金。

  • You can take my word for it he was a hard-hearted randy old sod .

    你可以 记住 ,他是个硬心肠的老色鬼。

  • If it wasn 't as good as I have said it is would we have registered it for a patent ? But you don 't have to take my word for it give it a try yourself !

    如果这个产品不像我所说的那样好,那我们还用申请专利吗?但是你不一定要非 相信 ,自己 试试就知道了!

  • If you tried the exercise I just mentioned you probably found some of the potential troubles for a tree-view of your markup ( if you didn 't exercise just take my word for it !) .

    如果尝试刚提到的练习I,您可能会发现标记的树视图中存在一些潜在问题(如果不练习的话,那就 !)

  • Im not asking you to take my word for it . Read for yourself everyone those listening .

    我不是要你们只 ,请正在听讲的各位亲自去读。

  • There is no need to take my word for it . Ask the Chinese .

    没必要 一面之词,不妨去问中国人。

  • Now just take my word for it that he can get you the award .

    眼下你就 相信 话吧:他能够使你得奖。

  • But don 't just take my word for it ; let 's see it in code !

    但是会 不如的,还是让 我们在代码中看看它的实际效果!

  • He 'll come . Don 't worry & take my word for it .

    他会来的,别担心& 相信 ,准 没错

  • And if you haven 't had the pleasure of developing software with others take my word for it that all the potential for confusion and data loss is multiplied by the presence of more than one person .

    要是你没有体会过与别人一起开发的乐趣, 记住 :潜在的混淆和数据的损失是与参与的人数成正比的。