take care of

[tek kɛr ʌv][teik kɛə ɔv]


  • I can take care of your kind .

    我能 对付 你这样的 家伙

  • Uncle Wang will take care of the work on the threshing floor .

    场院的活 王大爷 张罗

  • They leave it to the system to try and take care of the problem

    他们让系统 设法 解决这个问题。

  • You have to learn to take care of your possessions .

    你得学会 保管好自己的财物。

  • The firm has more clients than it can take care of .

    这家商行的主顾多得 应接不暇

  • The children can take care of themselves now .

    孩子们已能 自己 料理生活。

  • Mark you 've got a good wife . You ought to take care of her

    马克,你娶了个好妻子,应该 好好 她。

  • See that you take care of him

    一定 照顾 他。

  • He wouldn 't have the time or money to take care of me

    他既不会有时间也不会有钱来 照顾我。

  • Don 't worry yourself about me I can take care of myself

    你别担心我,我能 照顾好自己。

  • She used to take care of me when I was a baby

    我还在襁褓中时,她曾经 照顾过我。

  • Just take care of yourself and don 't worry .

    别着急, 安心 养病

  • We believe you can redistribute this money in a way that 's equitable to take care of the poor of the inner city .

    我们相信你能够重新分配这笔钱,以公平合理地 照顾市中心的贫民。

  • About 1 personnel will remain behind to take care of the air base .

    大约会有1人留守 看管这个空军基地。

  • With three small children to take care of mary 's mother has her hands full .

    玛丽的母亲 照顾三个孩子,忙得不可开交。

  • Take care of yourself on the journey .

    一路 保重哦。

  • It took him a whole evening to take care of these small jobs .

    他用了一个晚上才 这些琐碎事 踢蹬完。

  • I 'm the one who took on the job so let me take care of it .


  • We need to take care of our bodies .

    我们需要 注意身体。

  • Seriously now you ought to take care of your health .

    说正经的,你得 注意点儿身体。

  • He resigned and left us to take care of the awful mess .

    他辞了职, 烂摊子全撂给我们了。

  • Take care of yourself !; Be careful of yourself !


  • What a good-for-nothing you are ! You cannot take care of even such a trivial matter !

    你真是废物, 这点 都不会干。

  • He 's counting on his mother to take care of the twins for him ; she 's had plenty of experience with them .

    他靠母亲帮忙 照顾他的双胞胎;她在这方面很有经验。

  • I take care of them to the best of my abilities

    我尽我所能地 照顾他们。

  • There was no one else to take care of their children

    没有别人 可以 照料他们的孩子。

  • Don 't you worry we 'll take care of everything while you 're away .

    你放心走吧,这里的事有我们 照料

  • It is possible to do corrective surgery on the eyes to take care of the problem .

    通过 眼睛矫正手术 解决这个问题是可行的。