take prisoner

[tek ˈprɪzənɚ][teik ˈprizənə]

[法] 俘虏,使…成俘虏

  • We need to take this prisoner and move him ourselves now .

    我们需要 亲自移动这个 犯人

  • They silently surrounded Tom a young soldier in order to take him prisoner .

    他们悄悄地包围了一个年轻战士汤姆, 企图 俘虏他。

  • Van used by the police to take prisoner from one place to another .

    警察用来 囚犯从一个地方运到另一个地方的有篷载重汽车。

  • Therefore both in the complete information static game will take a cooperative attitude has a public resource nature of environmental damage the enterprise is immersed in prisoner dilemma .

    因此,双方在完全信息静态博弈中,都会 采取非合作的态度,使得具有公共资源性质的环境遭受破坏,企业陷入 囚徒困境。

  • Is that the officer who will take charge of the prisoner ?

    那位是专门监管 他的 警官

  • Should the exigencies of the situation force me to take a drastic stop and I get into trouble I shall of course be treated as a political prisoner .

    万一我迫于形势不得不 采取断然措施而遭到了麻烦,我当然会得到政治 的待遇。

  • We have come to take Samson prisoner they answered to do to him as he did to us .

    他们说:“我们上来是 捆绑 参孙。他向我们怎样行,我们也要向他怎样行。”

  • A criminal who has served nearly all of his sentence is sent to the release team who then take charge of the prisoner and the pre-release education .

    服刑将满的 罪犯提前被送往出监队 进行管理教育。

  • I take the prisoner from his cell to the execution chamber .

    死囚从牢房 押送至行刑室。

  • An inquest has to take place where death is violent or unexpected where death can be murder or manslaughter where a prisoner dies and when police is involved .

    对下列情况的死亡必须进行死亡调查:暴力或意外死亡,谋杀或 误杀以及涉及警察的 囚犯死亡。

  • Take off the prisoner to jai !

    犯人送到 监狱去!

  • Take your seat said the President . Prisoner remain standing .

    “您 坐下,”庭长说,“ 被告,站着不要动。”