take boat

[tek bot][teik bəut]


  • Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake .

    如今,你可以乘飞机去阿布辛波古庙,或者从湖的对岸 小船

  • I thought we could take the boat before it gets too cold .

    我看我们还是 坐船吧,要冷的。

  • He would often take a boat out onto a lake pull out a notebook relax and think .

    他常常 到湖里 泛舟,拿出一个笔记本,然后放松和思考。

  • Although not familiar with the lake the wife decides to take the boat out .

    虽然她对这湖并不熟悉,不过妻子还是决定 坐船去游湖。

  • He will take his boat farther out where he believes the big fish lie waiting .


  • You 're risking your neck if you take a boat out in this rough weather .

    这种恶劣天气你 驾船外出,是 命去冒险。

  • Can 't we take a boat to visit the temple ?

    我们 小船去看看那座寺庙不好吗?

  • Tomorrow we 'll take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour .

    明天我要 乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

  • For instance you can take a boat trip to Changdao to visit the island .

    例如,你可以 坐船去长岛观光岛屿。

  • We 're going out tomorrow . we 'll take the boat out .

    我们明天出去, 开船出去。

  • We could take a boat on the lake and have dinner .

    我有一个 提议。我们 为什么后海就餐呢 在湖上?

  • The only way to get to Hawaii is to fly or take a boat .

    到夏威夷唯一的方式就是坐飞机或 乘船

  • We will defeat a few and take the boat back .

    我们只要嬴几个 就能 了。

  • Let 's take a boat in that dock over there .

    不如 那边那个码头 坐船

  • If you take a boat trip you can enjoy the magnificent sights along the coast .

    如果您 乘船观光的话,会看到沿岸的动人美景。

  • But from the Fishing Bridge you can take a boat excursion on the lake .

    但是我们可以从钓鱼桥 乘船游览黄石湖。

  • She was getting off in Hamburg to take the boat to stockholm .

    她将在汉堡下车, 然后 乘船去斯德哥尔摩。

  • We could go there by bus and then take a boat to the small village .

    我们可以坐汽车到那儿,然后 坐船到那个小村庄。

  • Be ready to take the boat rope .

    准备好 抓住 小艇的绳子。

  • Take a boat trip and you will be fascinated by the oddly-shaped hills and peaks along the river and also their reflections GetWord ( reflections ); in the clear water .


  • So we have to take a boat instead .

    所以大家只好 坐船进入了。

  • We 're planning to take a boat trip down the Mississippi River .

    我们正计划 旅行,沿密西西比河而下。

  • They decided to take a boat downstream .

    他们决定 顺流而下

  • While he slept the wife decided to take the boat out .

    在他睡觉的时候,妻子决定 划船出去。

  • Next time I go to England I 'll take boat .

    下次去英国,我将 乘船

  • You can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River .

    您可以 乘船看到漓江的场景。

  • Today let us take a boat going under the name miss those manual era of simple life .

    今天,让我们 一个 端午的名义去怀念那些手工时代质朴的生活。

  • Vicky : You know we could also take a boat tour up the coast before we return .

    你知道吗?我们也可以在回来之前 沿岸而

  • We 'd better take a boat trip down the river .

    我们最好还是 乘船顺流而下。