


  • The Study of Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Customer Trust

    网络 口碑对网络消费者信任影响研究

  • The result of this study found that behavioral brand loyalty had positively significant effect on both purchase intention and word-of-mouth .

    本研究发现,行为性品牌忠诚度对购买意愿与 口碑两者皆有正面且显著之影响。

  • You know what the difference between the classic word-of-mouth marketing and what we call viral marketing is ?

    你知道经典的 口传营销”跟我们现在所谓的“病毒式营销”不同之处在哪?

  • The Impact of Service Recovery Features on Customers ' Intentions of Word-of-Mouth

    服务补救 可控特征对顾客 口碑 传播意向的影响

  • The Influencing Factors of Corporate Reputation and its Impact on Consumers ' Word-of-Mouth Behavior

    企业声誉的影响因素及其对消费者 口碑 传播行为的作用

  • They say Word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising .

    他们说 口头 传播是最好的广告形式。

  • The persuasion of online word-of-mouth is determined by contents pictures and expertise of reviewer and has significant effects on consumer 's purchasing decision and product sales .

    而网 路口 的说服性取决于网路评论的内容、图片与评论者本身的专业度,并对消费者购买决策和产品销售量具有显著的影响。

  • The authors also find that there is a progressive relationship between intention to revisit and word-of-mouth of tourists'loyalty .

    同时,发现旅游者忠诚的重游倾向与 口碑宣传两个维度之间存在递进关系。

  • Effects of Internet Word-of-mouth of Destination on Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy

    旅游地网络 口碑对消费行为的影响及营销对策

  • The reason why female consumers more easily spread word-of-mouth is that they have a high susceptibility to interpersonal relationships .

    女性消费者之所以更易于传播 口碑是因为她们具有较高的人际关系敏感度。

  • Word-of-mouth is important for the evaluation of fashion product quality .

    对于时装产品质量的评估,产品的 口碑是重要的。

  • You see referrals and word-of-mouth showing up more and more often as the source of your largest customers .

    转介和 口口相传 频频出现,成为你最大的客户源泉。

  • And in 2006 the US Federal Trade Commission issued regulations stating that word-of-mouth marketers must disclose their relationships .

    在2006年,美国联邦贸易委员会(usfederaltradecommission)颁布条例,规定 口碑营销者必须披露他们与相关公司的关系。

  • As you help more people you build word-of-mouth referrals and job security he says .

    他说,我们帮助的人越多,就越能建立 口碑和职业地位。

  • The internet word-of-mouth is the child of internet developed to the social network and social media .

    网络 口碑 是当前互联网向社交网络和社会化媒体发展的产物。

  • The Impact of Internet Word-of-Mouth on Consumer 's Product Attitude

    网络 口碑对消费者产品态度的影响 机理研究

  • This may be an intelligent way of selling the product through word-of-mouth .

    这可能是一种通过 口口相传来销售产品的聪明方法。

  • The primary objective of this study was to examine the effect of behavioral brand loyalty on purchase intention and word-of-mouth .

    本研究的主要目的为检测行为性品牌忠诚度对购买意愿及 口碑的影响。

  • Internet word-of-mouth ( IWOM ) is one of the most influential information sources .


  • At last there is a significantly positive correlation between the positive word-of-mouth and purchase intentions .

    最后, 消费者 口碑 传播 购意向呈显著正相关。

  • Research on the On-line Training Websites Marketing Model Base on Word-of-Mouth Marketing

    基于 口碑营销的在线培训网站营销模式研究

  • This finding can be explained by the possibility that customer satisfaction generates free word-of-mouth advertising and saves subsequent marketing costs .

    这可以解释为,顾客满意可能产生了免费的 口碑广告效应,并节省了随后的营销费用。

  • An Empirical Study on Credibility of Online Word-of-Mouth and Its Effects on Consumers ' Purchase Behavior

    网络 口碑可信度及其对购买行为之影响的实证研究

  • Empirical Research on the Effects of Reputation and Word-Of-Mouth on Trust and Purchasing Intention in C2C

    C2C模式中声誉与 口碑对信任和购买意向影响的实证研究

  • This article explores the potential impact of individual consumer decisions to transmit or withhold word-of-mouth information on the flow of information in a market .

    本文讨论了个人消费的潜在影响决议或坦白信息 传播 口碑中的信息流的市场。

  • But companies thinking of dabbling in word-of-mouth methods should be wary .

    但考虑涉足 口碑 营销方式的公司应谨慎行事。