


  • It holds that the goal of formal equivalence can be reached but not through mechanical word-for-word transplantation of the superficial structure of the original poem .

    文章认为形式对等是可以实现的,但它绝不是对原诗表层结构的 亦步亦趋的机械移植。

  • If you have to do a report copy word-for-word from the World Book Encyclopedia .

    要是不得不写报告,就 一本世界书籍百科大全,从 上面 一字 抄一篇。

  • Lyrics and word-for-word translation of a popular song .

    一首流行歌曲,歌词 逐字 英文翻译。

  • The conclusion drawn from this study is that when translating discourse markers we should not employ word-for-word translation or merely literal translation ; rather we should integrate various translation skills so that the discourse markers are properly translated .

    论文的结论是:在翻译话语标记语时,不应采用 之间 一一 对应的翻译方法,或仅仅采用直译法,而应综合各种翻译技巧,使话语标记语的功能得到恰当的翻译。

  • The basic strategies of the advertisement translation and the basic requirements for advertisement translators are explained by empirical analysis and comparative analysis . With reference to the strategies the author discusses how to apply word-for-word translation free translation and transliteration under the guidance of eco-translatology .

    主要应用实证分析和对比分析的方法就广告翻译的基本策略和对译者的基本要求进行了详细的阐释,包括在广告翻译的特殊生态环境中译者如何进行 直译、意译和音译。

  • The author and publisher of thirty-five which came out in early April apparently believe that description fits their book as well word-for-word .

    而四月初面世的《苍白35色》的作者和出版商显然觉得这 话和他们的书同样也是 绝配于是 干脆 一字 地照 搬到自己的书上。

  • Poems by Li Po ( Li Bei ) Wang Wei Du Fu and Meng Haoran in pinyin and characters ; with word-for-word English translation .

    李白、维、甫及孟浩然所做的诗。有拼音和汉字并 英文翻译。

  • Errors on linguistic level are exemplified by word-for-word translation spelling mistakes inappropriate diction and loose structure ; errors on pragmatic level can be shown in improper names of tourism attractions and Chinglish ; errors on cultural level include mistranslation of culture-bound words and Chinese poems .

    语言学层面的错误包括 译,拼写错误,措辞不当,句式松散;语用学层面的错误包括旅游景点名称的误译和中国式英语;文化层面的错误包含文化负载词和中国诗歌的翻译错误。

  • As for the negative aspect both versions have the similar degree of improper Hybridity which lies in the word-for-word translation abuse in preposition and passive sentence structure .

    从消极意义上看,两个译本都存在不适当的杂合 比例相当,表现在 字字 译,介词误用以及主动语态被动语态使用不当。

  • Some are word-for-word translation without fully understanding the meaning of the counterpart in English ;

    有的 表面 的翻译,而没有理解 英文 在英语中所对应的意思;

  • Word-for-word translations from one language to another often result in ungrammatical or meaningless sentences . This can be illustrated by translating the following French sentences .


  • Right beside his appeal was another flier with the same request word-for-word identical in every way right down to the typeface .

    在他的启事旁边有另一张传单,做出相同的寻人请求, 逐字 逐句 打印字体都一模一样。

  • He pointed out that this linguistic mentality helped create such expressions as'long time no see 'a word-for-word translation of a Chinese expression that became a mainstay of spoken English .

    他指出,这种语言思维方式导致出现了诸如“longtimenosee(好久不见)”这样的表达,这个按中文字面 意思翻译的句子经成为英语口语中常用句。

  • Therefore this thesis select 220 common used Korea proverbs and translate them word-for-word trying to keep their original characteristics and make various comparisons with Chinese proverbs in a more scientific way .

    本论文以常用性为 标准选取了220个韩谚,并逐个进行 直译,保持了韩谚的原貌和特色,力求科学地与汉谚进行多角度的比较研究。

  • There is no way for word-for-word translation and the translation should be confined within the limit of the communicative approach .

    字译的方法 尤其 可取,然而意译的 自由 也应该控制在交际翻译法的限度内。

  • He gave us a word-for-word translation / repetition .

    他为我们做了次 逐字 逐句的翻译/重复。

  • At the stage of expressing being affected by the components of logic and synthesis strategies such as word-for-word interpreting transcoding and thinking aloud are frequently used by the subjects .

    在表达阶段,受逻辑和综合能力因素的影响,受试者主要采用了 直译、代码转换、以及出声思维等策略。

  • Linguistic scholars and translation theorists have as of put forward numerous different theories and logics concerning legal translation strategies . Some even argue that the word-for-word translation strategy should be attempted to keep the intention of laws and maintain the features of the original legal texts .

    不同的学者及译者对法律翻译策略及方法提出了不同见解,有些人甚至认为法律翻译应该 逐字 逐句进行以保留法律文本的原有的特征。

  • He wrote his speeches word-for-word on paper and practiced them .

    逐字 逐句在纸上写下了演讲稿,然后练习。

  • If you write the speech out word-for-word and then just read it you will sound very boring .

    如果你把讲演稿 逐字 逐句 下来,然后照本宣科,你的演讲听起来会很无聊。

  • While word-for-word translation is a word-rank-bound translation featuring words translated singly out of context .

    字译者字字对译,以字为翻译单位,往往脱离上下文,断章取义;直译者则适当考虑上下文,翻译单位 局限于 ,而 常常表现为句子。

  • And make sure you get this word-for-word .

    确定你记 每个

  • The Skopos theory perspective on the mistranslation and word-for-word translation of commodity instructions

    商品说明翻译中 误译 译的因源分析

  • Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth .


  • Linguistic mistakes are divided into spelling mistakes semantic mistakes syntactic mistakes and grammar mistakes ; Pragmatic mistakes include chinglish word-for-word translation and missing translation ; cultural mistakes contain language style mistakes and cultural factors mistakes .

    语言类错误包括拼写错误、语义错误、句法错误和语法错误;语用类错误包括汉式英语、 字字翻译和缺译;文化类错误包括语言风格错误和文化因素错误。

  • Taking all these into account the word-for-word method should be adopted in the translation of the book .

    基于这些原因,采用 的方式翻译此书是大有裨益的。

  • With similes and metaphors that are partially equivalent in form the English version is preferable to a word-for-word translation ;

    汉语与英语近似的比喻,应采用英语的说法,最好不 译;

  • Lu Xu 's translation approaches literal translation and word-for-word translation mean not only the emphasis on the principle faithfulness more importantly the claim of his cultural values and the purpose of remolding Chinese character and reconstructing Chinese culture and literature .
