take fire

[tek faɪr][teik ˈfaiə]


  • Telling the truth I did really want to take a fire to the bar .

    说实话,当时真想 一把 火烧它。

  • He told me the best time to take picture of fire playing would be at late afternoon when there is enough light to see the person and surrounding yet dark enough to show the brightness of fire .

    俊俊说曾经有影会找过他表演拍照。但拍 玩火不容易。 拍照时间最好是黄昏,既够光看到面容,又够黑可以表现到火烈焰。

  • If a quantity of oil should take fire how could it best be put off ?

    如果一些油 着火了,最好怎样 扑灭它?

  • To take actions extinguish fire save person around danger or wounded and also transfer critical property .

    立即行动, 救出处于危险中的人或伤员并转移重要财物。

  • Take fire out of the English anger over the murder of their helpless ones .

    不要杀死英国 俘虏激起他们的怒火。

  • We 're also expecting to take heavy fire .

    我们也希望能够 采取猛烈的 炮火 攻击

  • To take actions extinguish fire immediately with extinguisher and water strip or squirt gun to prevent fire .

    立即行动,扑灭 火灾,用灭火剂或水枪、水带等进行灭火,并阻止火势蔓延。

  • If multiple elements are moving in a traveling overwatch method and take fire the natural reaction to it is to transition to bounding overwatch immediately and maneuver as necessary to eliminate the enemy position ( s ) .

    如果多个队伍在 掩护移动时突然遭遇敌人 火力,第一反应就应该是切换为掩护跃进,消灭敌人。

  • We could take him out with selective fire right now .

    我们可以 他一 毙命

  • May a man take fire to his breast without burning his clothing ?

    人若怀里 ,衣服岂能不烧呢?

  • Our powder has to take fire instantaneously so that its mechanical effect may be complete .

    只要 火药 能够很快地 燃烧,使它的力量能得到充分的 发挥就行了。

  • This paper analyzes the design of commercial pedestrian street of fire difficult the distinction between the form of a commercial pedestrian street take appropriate fire safety measures .

    分析商业步行街防火设计难点,提出区分商业步行街的形式, 采取针对性的 防火措施。

  • Any unit and adult shall have the obligation to take part in organized fire fighting work .

    任何单位、成年公民都有 参加有组织的 灭火工作的义务。

  • Finally take the Fire grid system of ChangSha as an example to demonstrate the work have done in this paper .

    最后,结合长沙市 岳麓消防网格系统实例对本文所做工作进行论证。

  • The company does not take proper fire precaution .

    公司未 采取适当的 防火措施。

  • We shall take the fire everywhere and all our enemies shall burn yeah in the fire they all shall die .

    我们 烽火 遍将所有敌人焚烧烈焰中,他们全将死亡。

  • The theory of barrel hoop enlight us to correctly handle the contradiction in safe system it can take the fire work into play actually .

    桶箍的原理启示我们处理好 消防安全体系中的矛盾,才能 使 消防 安全工作真正发挥作用。

  • In practical production it is easy to take place the fire and equipment accidents due to super temperature of work roll bearings box in aluminum cold rolling mill and foil rolling mill .

    实际生产中铝带材冷轧机和铝箔轧机易于 发生由于工作辊轴承箱温度过高而造成的 火灾和设备事故。

  • This material will not take fire .

    这种材料不会 着火

  • He take out a fire Insurance policy for his house

    他为自己的房子 办理了一份 火险保险单

  • Here they take fire on the trees and hang there flaming .

    而这里的树叶却 是挂在树梢卜的 火焰,发出耀眼的光芒。

  • You take the fire escape .


  • We 'll raid them and take the fire .

    咱们去偷袭他们, 火种取来。

  • Why should your father have to be walking the dog out on a cold night while you take your ease by the fire ?

    为何你的父亲竟必须在这样的寒夜出去遛狗,而你却 着火 悠闲自在

  • They take precautions against fire in the bars .

    酒吧里 采取了预防 火灾的措施。

  • And when He had commanded the man clothed in linen saying Take fire from between the whirling wheels from between the cherubim the man went and stood beside the wheel .

    k吩咐那穿细麻衣的人说, 从旋转的轮之间,从基路伯中间 ,那人就去站在轮子旁边。

  • Having refused to take out fire insurance the manager of the company quailed before the thought of ruin through fire .

    拒绝 领取 火灾保险单后,一想到火灾的毁灭性破坏,公司经理就感到恐惧。

  • You should take steps to extinguish the fire ;

    如果你接受过 消防培训,你可以 采取 灭火行动。

  • The paper discusses on how to strengthen the fire-fighting supervision and management and increase the technological content of management in order to take precautions against fire and nip the hidden dangers in the bud .

    就如何加强消防监督管理,增加管理的科技含量,从而 使各项防火措施落到实处,将 消防隐患消灭在萌芽状态进行了探讨。

  • When construction of ethylene perchloride is going on you should take care of smoke and fire .

    在进行过氯乙烯施工时,应 注意 烟火。已告诉大家了,禁止吸烟。