take it or leave it

[tek ɪt ɔr liv ɪt][teik it ɔ: li:v it]


  • A 72-hour week 12 hours a day six days a week take it or leave it .

    一星期6天,一天12小时,总共72小时,愿 愿意随 便

  • He can take it or leave it .

    他可以 接受 可以 接受

  • As a child my family 's menu consisted of two choices : take it or leave it .

    BuddyHackett我小 时候,家里的菜单就两个选择: 或者

  • His basic premise was : this is me take it or leave it ' so we left it .

    他的基本前提是:这就是我, 不要,'所以,我们没有要他。

  • Rio has adopted a take it or leave it approach to the iron ore price talks which has infuriated Chinese negotiators .

    力拓 铁矿石价格谈判中采取“ 要么 接受 要么 放弃”的态度,这激怒了中方谈判代表。

  • They are concerned that headhunters employed by the board of trustees and nominating committee came up with a suggested successor to Sir David and in a letter sent on July 29 effectively said take it or leave it according to several people .

    数位官员表示,他们担心,由理事会和提名委员会雇佣的猎头公司选出了一位提议的继任者,并在7月29日发出的一封信中实际上表示 接受 随便

  • The miners are focusing on reaching a benchmark agreement with Japanese steelmakers that can then be presented to Beijing on a take it or leave it basis .

    目前,这些矿业集团正专注于与日本钢厂达成一项基准协议,然后 接受 随便 的态度提交中方。

  • You have the option to take it or leave it .

    你有 采纳 自由

  • This the cheapest price I can offer take it or leave it .

    这是我能出的最低价, 不要 拉倒

  • I 've said my last word & take it or leave it .

    我的意见已经说过了& 不听 请便

  • In previous trade rounds the rich nations set the rules and the rest could take it or leave it .

    在以前几轮贸易谈判中,都是富国制定规则,其它国家要么 接受规则 要么 退出谈判。

  • Take it or leave it .

    不要 拉倒

  • I like chocolate but I can take it or leave it .

    我喜欢巧克力,但 都行

  • I can take it or leave it alone . oh I see .

    可做 。哦,我明白了。

  • That 's my last offer-you can take it or leave it .

    这是最终的报价, 还是 不要随你的 便

  • Mike : Those are your choices . 1 Take it or leave it .

    麦克:你只有这些选择。 接受 不然 滚蛋

  • The price is ten pounds ; make up your mind – take it or leave it .

    价钱是10英镑,下决心吧- 还是 买。

  • Do you like sugar in your coffee ? I don 't care . I can take it or leave it .

    咖啡你要加糖吗?无所谓。 要不要 都行

  • He said the house was2 million take it or leave it .

    他说那房子 二百万, 还价

  • At some point you 're just gonna have to take it or leave it .

    有些时候,你 要么 选择 接受 要么只能 选择 离开

  • Happiness is not something you can take it or leave it .

    幸福不是你 随心所欲的东西。

  • Whether we get one or several offers our total price is fixed at five hundred and twenty thousand dollars . They can take it or leave it !

    八个厂的受主不论是一家或者几家,我们扣定的总数是五十二万,再少就 拉倒,我们 找办法!

  • Mike 's dad lowered his voice to a stern tone . take it or leave it I 'll take it I replied choosing to work and learn instead of playing softball .

    迈克的爸爸降低声调严厉地说:“ 接受 或者拒绝。”“我接受。”我 赶忙回答,我决定去工作和学习而不去打垒球了。

  • The whole fame thing I could take it or leave it .

    这所有的虚名,我可以 接受 或者 放弃

  • That 's my final price take it or leave it .

    这是我的底价, 要不要 便