take overhead

[tek ˈovɚˌhɛd][teik ˈəuvəhed]


  • Increasingly customers are choosing the native XML storage option of pureXML to take advantage of its greater flexibility and reduced application overhead .

    用户逐渐使用原生的XML存储方式pureXML, 利用其强大的灵活性并节省应用程序 开销

  • Just take hold of that branch there and steady yourself by that . The jungle overhead closed over the river almost completely .

    抓住那根树桠,然后站稳。 枝桠纵横,几乎把河面全封没了。

  • Has designed the oils equipment management system software stratification structure . Take equipment rule page as example realization system multilayered overhead construction .

    设计了油料装备管理系统的软件分层结构, 配备标准页面为例实现系统的多层 架构

  • We re-estimate that it will take us about seven more days to complete Task A because of the overhead of the interruption .

    重新估算之后,我们认为由于 任务进程被打断,需要 花费比七天更长的时间来完成任务。

  • Compared to traditional coordinated checkpoint approach the proposed non-blocking algorithm minimizes the number of processes to take checkpoints as well as reducing the checkpoint latency which brings less overhead to mobile system with limited resources .

    与传统的协同检查点算法相比,本文提出的非阻塞检查点算法使得最小数目的进程 采取检查点,并且减少了检查点的反应时间,给拥有有限资源的移动系统带来了较少的 开销

  • Dusk falls over Baghdad and kabul and the predators take their places in the skies overhead ready for action .

    夜幕降临在巴格达与喀布尔,而“掠夺者”却 天空中到处 抢占地盘,准备开始作战。

  • Network technology development and the Internet popularization powerfully take Ethernet / IP as the basic network overhead construction telephone system utilization and the implementation .

    网络技术的发展和Internet的普及,有力促进了 Ethernet/IP为基本网络 架构的电话系统的运用与实施。

  • Remember to take all your personal belongings from the overhead locker when you leave the plane .

    记住下飞机时 拿走 头顶行李箱里的所有个人物品。

  • In such cases the lowest possible CPU power consumption coupled with the availability of many cores to take care of the each thread or task with minimal thread switching overhead can be very helpful .

    在这种情况下,尽可能最低的CPU功耗与许多内核的推出,以 利用每个线程或任务切换 开销最小线程护理是非常有帮助。

  • In this situation we can take surrounding buildings as mountains and streets and overhead road as waters .

    在这种情况下,可以 楼宇周围的建筑物是山,马路、 高架路是水。

  • Then we would take a little while to try and remember what he had written on the overhead .

    然后,我们 一点时间去记住:在什么情况下,对什么人应该怎么 讲话,应该用什么

  • The existing several publish / subscribemodels offer different expressiveness and take different performance overhead .

    现存的几种发布/订阅模式提供了不同的表达能力和不同的性能 开销

  • A function call would take way too much overhead for a simple operation .

    对于这种简单的操作 来说,函数调用的 开销太大。