take to be

[tek tu bi][teik tu: bi:]


  • If they do the service will likely have to take a different form to be profitable .

    如果决定加开,这项服务可能 采用一种不同的盈利模式。

  • However time with a coach or instructor does not replace the steps one must take in order to be successful .

    不过,跟随教练或指导员并不表示你 可以忽略成功所 必须的那些步骤。

  • I will take the radio to be repaired it doesn 't work .

    我得 收音机 拿去修,它坏了。

  • Follow their examples and take the same type of steps they had to take in order to be successful .

    如果 想要成功,那就 那些人为榜样,采取同样的步骤

  • For example if garbage collection is underway or if there are lots of requests in the incoming queue requests may take longer to be processed .

    例如,如果正在进行垃圾收集或传入队列中有大量的请求, 那么处理请求的时间可能 长些。

  • Mr Richardson estimates a US $ 1 fall in iron ore price could cause national income to drop by A $ 700m and the annual tax take to be reduced by A $ 250m .

    理查森估计,铁矿石价格每下跌1美元,可能会导致澳大利亚国民收入减少7亿澳元,年度税收 减少2.5亿澳元。

  • These types of changes can take time to be able to replace your current income .

    这种改变可能 需要一段时间 才能改变你目前的收入。

  • What does it take to be a great leader ?

    成为一个优秀的领导者 需要什么?

  • As did other paradigms when they were new ( e.g. object-oriented software development ) this one will take time to be adopted widely because it involves a learning curve .

    正如其它范例当它们刚刚出现时(例如面相对象的软件开发),由于它所包含的学习曲线,它 需要经历一段时间 广泛采用。

  • ' You don 't say : ' What will it take for me to be really happy in a job ?

    你不会问:我要如何 才能 找到一份真正让我开心的工作?

  • Clearly people find bugs when they review code but the reviews often take too long to be practical .

    很显然,人们在评审代码时会发现一些错误(bug),但是这种评审工作通常会 花费大量的时间, 因此 变得不太实际。

  • A slow network connection still affects the response time since these request and reply headers can take several seconds to be transmitted .

    慢速网络连接仍然会影响响应时间,因为这些请求头和响应头的传输 花几秒时间。

  • Take time to be in nature to appreciate the beauty of the world around us .

    抽出时间 置身于大自然当中,欣赏大自然的美景,欣赏我们周围的世界。

  • They also take the time to be there when you need them and want to help you be the best person you can be .

    他们在你需要的时候 抽出时间 着你,想帮助你,让你成为最棒的你。

  • Perhaps you have some laundry I can take to be cleaned .

    也许您有些东西我可以 拿去洗的。

  • This is important to know if you will need a combination of large and / or numerous log files as these log files will take time to be allocated .

    知道您是否需要大日志文件和/或众多日志文件的组合非常重要,因为要 时间 分配这些日志文件。

  • Defining roles is a task that may take some time to be sure you identify any problems before they occur .

    定义角色的工作可能会 需要 花费一定的时间, 确保提前发现任何可能出现的问题。

  • So that I come again to my father 's house in peace then I will take the Lord to be my God .

    使我平平安安地回到我父亲的家,我就必 耶和华为我的神。

  • He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers .

    你们的女儿 他制造香膏,作饭烤饼。

  • So what does it take for a service to be truly resource-oriented ?

    那么 成为真正的面向资源的服务 满足哪些条件呢?

  • Question : Why do my MDNs take a minute to be created after a document has been received using AS2 ?

    问:为什么我在使用AS2接收一份文档之后创建MDN 需要 一分钟的时间呢?

  • US policy makers are quick to invoke what they take to be the lessons of the 1930s while overlooking the causes of the first world war .

    美国政策制定者迅速摆出他们 上世纪30年代事件中归纳的教训,却无视一战的起因。

  • All it will take is a will to be ambitious and a determination to leave no stone unturned .


  • I Ross take thee Rachel to be my wedded wife .

    我罗斯,愿 你蕾切尔, 成为我的太太。

  • And what does it take to be a space explorer ?

    成为一名宇宙探索者, 需要哪些特质呢?

  • What does it take to be a good BPI project leader ?

    一个出色的BPI项目领导者究竟都 需要 具备什么素质呢?

  • As it turns out some kids actually do get off the couch and take action to be the next Steve jobs .

    事实证明,有些孩子确实从舒适的沙发里站起身来, 开始进行创业, 希望 成为下一个史蒂夫•乔布斯。

  • How much planning does it take to be nebulously ticked ?

    这样混沌 清的运动到底涉及多少规划

  • That I take to be the gist of our political theory .

    此视 我们政治理论的主旨。