take the count

[tek ði kaʊnt][teik ðə kaunt]


  • The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet . The correcting entry includes a debit or credit to prior-period adjustment for the error amount and a credit or debit to the asset or liability ac - count that was misstated .

    该损益帐目表明子上次资产负债表以来已经 发生的变动。 调帐分类为借记或贷记以前年度损益调整,同时贷记或借记错记的资产或负债帐户。

  • His lips quivered he was red and sweaty but like a punch-drunk boxer he refused to take the count .

    他嘴唇发抖,面红耳赤,满头大汗,但像一个拳击手,虽已被打得鼻青脸肿,却仍不 认输

  • Analysts have often commented that it does not really matter who the next figurehead is in North Korea . Strongmen such as Mr Chang will take the decisions that really count .

    分析人士常发表意见称,谁是朝鲜下一位名义上的领袖其实无关紧要。张成泽之类的强人 是真正 重大问题 决策者。

  • In the process-based attack detection method we take an operating system time slice as the period basis to count the write-back rate and determine the appropriate threshold value between 20 % and 100 % .

    在基于进程的攻击检测方法中,我们 一个操作系统时间片为周期来 统计回写率,并在20%到100%之间确定适当的回写率阀值。

  • In the development of scientific management system we take the safe policy and technical feasibility into count .

    另外,在科研管理系统的开发过程中, 考虑了系统所 采用 安全策略和技术可行性。

  • Method Take out randomly the theory and operating score of functional experiment from 100 students of clinical medicine discipline count interrelating coefficient and t-test .

    方法随机 抽取2003级七年制临床医学专业100名学生的机能学实验课程理论考试和操作考核成绩作为研究资料, 计算两类成绩的相关系数,并进行t检验。

  • Take the region of Tarim river as an example the dissertation studies on the count of initial water rights and the way to establish the water-right market expecting to do help to the rational collocation of the water resources in Northwest Arid Region .

    塔里木河流域为例,重点研究 塔里木河流域初始水权确定和探讨水市场的培育途径,希望对西北内陆干旱区水资源的优化配置有所帮助。

  • He resolved therefore to let things take their course without making any direct overture to the count .

    所以他决定让事情 顺其自然发展,而不向 伯爵作任何正面的提议。

  • He is a worldly wise and cunning man who can take his cue from changing conditions The Count was quite good for affairs of the world .

    他是个 顺风转舵的人,世故圆滑得很。 伯爵是个精于世故的人。

  • Fran : They 're about to take off . Let 's yell to him on the count of three .

    法兰:他们差不多 出发了。 数到三我们一起大声喊他。

  • Take the text into your heart and you may count on the Holy Spirit to make it true in your life .

    愿弟兄姐 们都能 牢记今天 经文,并倚靠圣灵成就这一切在我们生活中。

  • And attempt to take the widespread tools in the network to utilize to the collection and transmission of the statistical information especially propose to upbuild the count EDI system based on the commercial EDI system .

    并尝试 网络中应用广泛的工具运用到统计信息采集传送中,尤其是提出了依据商业EDI系统建立 统计EDI系统的设想;

  • When the emergency accident take place or while meeting abrupt affairs injury overcoming nervous motion the calm and steady dispassion masters also how communicate with person solve various mental obstacle that meet an emergency to cause is a count for much mission .

    当突发事故 发生或当遇到突发事件伤害时,克服紧张情绪,沉着冷静并学会如何与人沟通,解决各种应急事件导致的心理障碍是 非常重要的任务。

  • When selecting the traveller you must take it into account which is usually between the mixed count and the widest count .

    隔距块的选择也应 考虑混合 纱支与最粗纱支之间。

  • Take on a true test of your skill and face the mighty challenge of the all-new Body Count mode .

    您的技能的真正考验,面临着全新的挑战,机构强大 计数模式。

  • Wherever you are you can take a few minutes to breathe in through the nose to a count of three pause briefly then exhale to a count of three or longer .

    无论你在哪, 花几分钟用鼻子呼吸, 数到三,暂停,然后再呼出,数到三甚至更长。