take notes


  • No need to be alarmed or take notes . he 's venting . it 's tactical .

    不用惊慌也不用挂在心上,他在 发泄,这是一种战术。

  • You can search by Chinese take notes and share with email .

    可根据中文进行搜索, 记录 笔记和通过电邮分享等。

  • So it is important to improve my English to take notes .

    因此, 笔记对提高我英语的英语也很重要。

  • You should also take notes on your current configuration and prepare a backup of your data .

    您也 应该 记录当前的配置并进行数据备份。

  • Please take notes of the important while you read .

    请边读边把重要的 事情 下来

  • Focus on what you 're being told & you can even take notes .

    专注在你所听到的事情上,你甚至还可以 笔记

  • It 'll help you later if you take notes .

    如果你 笔记的话,它以后会对你有帮助的。

  • Camera hidden in a pen will help you take notes and shoot video .

    摄像头隐藏在钢笔上,帮助你 笔记和拍摄视频。

  • Or highlight the main points on a handout so participants don 't have to take notes .

    你还可以在宣传单上突出要点,这样听众就不用 笔记了。

  • Best Call Notes allows you to take notes during a call .

    最佳电话注意到,您可以 采取 注意 在通话。

  • He drew out his notebook and began to take notes .

    他掏出笔记本开始 笔记

  • I type letters on a computer . I go to meetings and take notes .

    在计算机上打字。开会并 记录

  • Would you be willing to take notes of our meeting ?

    你愿不愿意给我们的会议 记录

  • I 'm very lazy . I never take notes at class .

    我很懒惰,上课从来不 笔记

  • I thought it would be nice to take notes while I learned and share with everybody else .

    我想当我学习他的时候 笔记然后分享给其他人将会很不错。

  • Can you take notes at this afternoon 's meeting ?

    今天下午开会你能 记录吗?

  • Do you take notes during English course ?

    你上英语课 笔记吗?

  • First take notes on your work experience-both paid and unpaid full time and part time .

    第一, 采取 注意 您的工作经验-包括有偿和无偿,全职和兼职。

  • After the interview take notes about what you were asked and how you answered .

    面试之后, 记录下你被问 的问题和你所做的回答。

  • You can take notes doodle between ( or during ) meetings and make phone calls .

    若您足以单手掌控这台设备,那么搭配上内置的触控笔书写笔记 应该会非常惬意才是,你将可以随意涂鸦、做会议 笔记并可随时拨打电话。

  • If you follow these simple steps and tips you will not only learn how to take notes you 'll learn how to take notes that will help you apply knowledge and retain material .

    如果你遵循了下面的步骤和提示,那么你将不仅仅学会如何 笔记,而且会学会如何记将帮助你应用知识和保留信息的笔记。

  • I take notes in order to study well .


  • You don 't need to take notes for the teacher had put his script on Internet .

    你不用 笔记了,老师已经把讲义放到网上了。

  • Did you take notes ?


  • Do you usually take notes in class with a pen or pencil ?

    你在课堂上 笔记通常用钢笔还是铅笔?

  • When we take notes our teacher wants us to underscore items that are especially important .

    当我们 笔记时,老师要我们在特别重要的项目下画线。

  • Take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise .

    磋商的时候 记录,因为最终的书面报告非常简洁。

  • They are not allowed to bring aides or take notes .

    这些立法者不允许带助手或者 笔记

  • I 'll speak slowly so that you can take notes .

    我慢慢讲,以便你们能 笔记

  • You can take notes on your note book .

    你可以 笔记 在你的笔记本上。