take for

[tek fɔr][teik fɔ:]


  • I came into adult life clueless about a lot of things that most people take for granted

    我已成年,却对许多大部分人 认为 理所当然的事情一窍不通。

  • In fact many of the innovations that we now take for granted including organizations such as eBay or Amazon simply wouldn 't exist if it weren 't for software .

    事实上,如果没有软件,例如eBay和Amazon等我们 理所当然认为是创新的企业将不可能存在。

  • What is it going to take for Google to get its mojo back ?

    谷歌究竟要怎样 才能重新恢复魔力呢?

  • Different colors denote different levels of redundancy thus helping you decide the action to take for these applications .

    不同的颜色代表不同程度的冗余度,因此可以帮助您决定 这些程序有影响的操作。

  • Your menservants and maidservants and the best of your cattle and donkeys he will take for his own use .

    又必 你们的仆人婢女,健壮的少年人和你们的驴, 他的差役。

  • A : How long did it take for you to learn Shanghainese ?

    安:那你上海话 了多长时间?

  • It has set us back in so many respects that I 'm not sure how long it will take for us to catch up

    这已经在这么多方面给我们造成了延误,我都无法确定我们要 多长时间才能赶上。

  • The Internet has become a service many of us simply take for granted .

    Internet已经成了许多人 习以为常的服务。

  • The greatest things in life are those worthwhile experiences and subtle occurrences that sometimes most individuals simply take for granted .

    生活中最美好的事情是那些值得的经历和微妙的发现,而有时大多数人只是认为它们 理所当然

  • This prevents standard Web applications from being used securely via replication which Notes users take for granted .

    这样做就不能通过复制安全地使用标准的Web应用程序,而这在Notes用户中都是 理所当然的一种功能。

  • I walk the streets assured that no car parked next to the curb will suddenly blow up OR so I take fOR granted .

    走在大街上,我也不必担心停在路边的车辆,会突然间爆炸;至少我不 认为这样的事情会发生。

  • The JVM is the workhorse behind the Java application functionality and performance that most Java developers take for granted .

    JVM是多数开发人员视 理所当然的Java功能和性能背后的重负荷机器。

  • What does it take for a woman to say ' that 's enough ' and give her man his marching orders ?

    女人要如何才能开 得了口, 她的恋人说出“我受够了”,让他走人?

  • Think of something that you use every day but might take for granted : your e-mail .

    想想您每天都使用的东西,但是 可能认为是 理所当然的:您的电子邮件。

  • Who knows how long it could take for you to narrow down the one design element formula script or property that could be preventing your application from performing at its optimum ?

    谁知道去钻研这些妨碍应用程序获得最佳性能的某一个设计元素、公式、脚本或属性将 花费多少时间呢?

  • Which train should I take for Hangzhou ?

    请问 北京的火车在哪儿上?

  • The age of a virus can be determined by measuring its rate of mutation then calculating how long it would take for this to generate its current genetic diversity .

    一种病毒的年龄可以通过测量其变异率、然后计算该病毒产生目前的遗传多样性所 需要的时间来确定。

  • 18 How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive ?

    火车还要多少分钟 要到达呢?

  • Dashan : What should I take for it ?

    大山:我要 什么药来退烧呢?

  • This means that operations like assignment ( x = y ) AND ( x = y ) and OR ( x | = y ) which we take for granted in classical computing have to be modified for use in QC .

    这意味着象赋值(x=y)、AND(x&=y)和OR(x=y)(在经典计算中我们认为这些运算是 理所当然的)就必须为能在QC中使用而修改了。

  • Their life 's work is our security and the freedom that we all too often take for granted .

    他们的生活的工作,是我们的安全和自由,我们往往认为是 理所当然

  • How long did it take for me to reach this conclusion ?

    我得出这个结论 多长时间?

  • So what does it take for a service to be truly resource-oriented ?

    那么要成为真正的面向资源的服务 满足哪些条件呢?

  • Which line do I take for the beach ?

    去海滩 哪一路车?

  • The last step to take for your new cloud instance is to convert the OpenSSH secret key to a format that can be used by PuTTY .

    对于新的云实例, 执行的最后一步是把OpenSSH秘密密钥转换 PuTTY可以使用的格式。

  • No one knows how long it will take for simple math to return to stock fundamentals .

    没有人知道需要过 多久,股票基本面分析才会重新回归简单的算术。

  • Dot take for granted the things closest to your heart .

    最贴心的事情当成 理所当然

  • Its presence in the development of our society has been so pervasive that we take for granted the rapid predictable assembly of the physical world .

    它在我们社会的开发中的存在是如此的普遍,以致 我们 它作为物理世界的快速的可预期的组件。

  • He would plunge it into the pan or kettle or caldron or pot and the priest would take for himself whatever the fork brought up .

    将叉子往罐里,或鼎里,或釜里,或锅里一插,插上来的肉,祭司都 了去。

  • Yes if you only had1 of these tables on a page you could take for granted that this would exist only once .

    当然,如果页面上仅有一个表,那么您 可以确定它是唯一的。