take up bill

[tek ʌp bɪl][teik ʌp bil]


  • But GOP senators are pushing House Republicans to take up the bill themselves .

    但共和党参议员本身 极力推崇众议院共和党人 实施 法案

  • The House has yet to take up the bill ; House Speaker John Boehner ( R. Ohio ) has called it ' dangerous . '

    美国众议院尚未 接受 法案;众议院议长、俄亥俄州共和党议员博纳(JOHN BOEHNER)称这 法案是危险的。

  • However it is unclear whether the Senate will take up the same bill .

    不过,尚不知参议院是否 通过这一 议案

  • It won 't take him a minute to reckon up the bill .

    他很快就能 算出 来。