take the blame

[tek ði blem][teik ðə bleim]


  • I 'll take the blame for the failure of the project because I was in charge .

    我会 承担 这个项目失败 责任,因为这个项目是我负责的。

  • You tell me who 's to take the blame ?

    你们说,谁来 负责

  • When I got my first job my father told me If you take the blame you 'll get the responsibility . I 've found that to be very true .

    当我获得第一份工作时,我的父亲曾告诉我:如果你 承担责备,你将会获得责任我发现这一点很正确。

  • Letting him take the blame for what I did .

    让他替我 担负 罪名

  • To a large degree it is parents who should take the blame .

    在很大程度上 应该 责怪 是父母。

  • She doesn 't expect you to take the blame .

    她没有指望你 承担 过错

  • I can 't take the blame to make you work overtime .

    我可不 为您的加班 负责

  • The President may resign to take the blame for poor performances at the firm .

    公司主席可能因为公司表现不佳而 引咎辞职。

  • Mr Ahmad admits that he may resign as a result of the disaster and his airline and country clearly need someone to take the blame .

    艾哈迈德承认他可能会因为这场灾难辞职,而马航和马来西亚无疑需要有人 承担 过错

  • That driver should take the blame for this accident .

    那位司机应该对这起事故 负责

  • My colleagues left me to take the blame for the department 's mistakes .

    我的同事们让我 承担部门错误 责任

  • If you take the blame this way the results will be far more positive than you 'd expect .

    如果你 这个方法 接受 责怪,结果将比你预料地积极地多。

  • If anything goes wrong I 'll take the blame .

    出了问题,由我一个人 不是

  • Claude sure as hell wouldn 't take the blame alone .

    克劳德肯定不愿单独 承担 责任

  • He was always made the goat when someone was needed to take the blame .

    每当有人必须 责备时,他常被迫 代人受过(当替罪羊)。

  • When I started working my father told me If you 'll take the blame you 'll get the responsibility and that 's absolutely true .

    在我当初开始工作的时候,父亲就告诉我:”如果你 接受 指责,你将获得责任“。千真万确。

  • Any idea why she agreed to take the blame ?

    你知道她为什么会同意 这个 黑锅吗?

  • Everybody took it for granted that after what had happened he would surely take the blame and resign .

    大家都想当然地认为发生了这样的事,他一定会 引咎辞职的。

  • Someone had to take the blame .

    总要有人为此 承担 责任

  • I did wrong I take the blame for it .

    我做错了,我 受罚

  • People who publicly take the blame when something goes wrong . a fall guy takes the rap for something wrong or illegal he accepts responsibility and punishment for what someone else did .

    当错误发生,公开出来 承担 指责的人就是其中一种,倒下的人得为别人所做的错事承担责任和惩罚。

  • It seems hard to imagine that anyone of sound mind would take the blame for something he did not do .

    我们很难想象一个神志清醒的人会 担负一项其并未做的事情 责任

  • Why should I take the blame ?

    我为什么该 责备

  • Take the blame if something goes wrong . Do not blame mistakes on prior administrations the weather bad luck or your competitors .

    出了差错就 承担 责任。不要把错误怪到前几届管理层、天气、运气不好或竞争对手 上。

  • We were ready to take the blame for what had happened .

    我们准备对所发生 承担 责任

  • He had to take the blame for everything .

    他必须对发生的一切 承担 责任

  • Really ? I remember he used to always volunteer to take the blame every time we had a product problem .

    真的?我记得以前每次公司的产品一出包,他会抢 负责

  • I am ready to take the blame for the mistake .

    我准备 承担 一错误 责任

  • Often the self-important person gets away with it and for this the service providers must also take the blame .

    多数情况下,妄自尊大的人总能获得成功&而提供服务的人也必须 为此 承担 责任

  • I know I 've been taught to take the blame .

    我明白自己已学会 承受 责备