take full advantage of

[tek fʊl ædˈvæntɪdʒ ʌv][teik ful ədˈvɑ:ntidʒ ɔv]


  • This is the type of situation in which you should take full advantage of your HR department .

    这是一种应该 充分 利用人力资源部门的情况。

  • Historically scientists and inventors are one group that seems to take full advantage of relaxed moments .

    历史上,科学家和发明家似乎属于 充分 利用放松时刻的群体。

  • In addition good road conditions have allowed Argentina to take full advantage of high commodity prices .

    此外,良好的路况使得阿根廷能够 充分 利用高商品价格 带来 效益

  • To take full advantage of it applications need to be multithreaded .

    充分 利用这一特性,应用程序需要是多线程的。

  • The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities .

    这正是我们 充分 利用大量现有机会的时候。

  • Setting up instructions so that they take full advantage of a processor 's pipeline is called instruction scheduling .

    对指令进行设置使它们 可以 充分 利用处理器流水线的技术称为指令调度。

  • We shall take full advantage of our rich source of human beings .

    我们 充分 利用丰富的人力资源。

  • The difference is that you can now take full advantage of the SWT widgets and Eclipse framework .

    不同的是现在可以 充分 利用SWT窗口小部件和Eclipse框架。

  • Only by allowing customers take full advantage of our technology our products can better serve the community .

    只有让客户 充分 掌握我们的技术,才能使我们的产品更好的服务社会。

  • Instruction generation can also be tailored to the underlying processor to take full advantage of the underlying platform .

    JIT编译器会根据处理器生成指令并 充分 利用所处的平台。

  • The present is yet in your power and take full advantage of achieving your goals and aspirations .

    现在仍在你的手中。 利用好你的 错误,来实现你的目标和理想。

  • We hope you will take full advantage of this rare opportunity .

    希望你方 充分 利用这次特殊折扣。

  • This is a take full advantage of the success of the typical price a sharp object .

    这是一个 充分 利用价格利器的成功典型。

  • This is a disease that can take full advantage of any lapse in investment vigilance or control .

    一旦人类的投资、警惕性和控制不足,这种疾病就会 兴风作浪

  • Urgent problem is to improve project management level and efficiency especially to take full advantage of internet collecting information exchanging and sharing information with each contractor .

    提高项目管理水平和效率,尤其是 充分 利用互联网平台获取信息,与各承包商进行信息交换和共享,是一个亟待解决的问题。

  • We should take full advantage of all educational opportunities .

    我们应该 好好 利用一切教育机会。

  • We should take full advantage of it and avoid its disadvantage .

    我们 应该 充分 利用优点,避免其缺点。

  • We should take full advantage of this review to change the wait-and-see stance the industry takes .

    我们 充分 利用这次审查来改变这一行业守株待兔的状态。

  • I hope you can recognize these and take full advantage of the opportunity .

    我衷心希望您能够认识到这些并 充分 抓住这个机会。

  • We will take full advantage of whatever security capabilities are provided by the core operating system .

    我们 充分 利用核心系统提供的所有安全性能。

  • Take full advantage of the existing foundation not like buying new equipment as necessary to build a foundation .

    可以 充分 利用现有地基,不必像购入新设备时那样需重新构筑地基。

  • We would be pleased if you would take full advantage of our services and favourable shopping conditions .

    如果你能 充分 利用我们的服务和良好的购物环境,我们会很高兴。

  • Reposition your organization to take full advantage of emerging opportunities .

    调整组织的定位, 充分 利用新兴机遇。

  • To provide analysis on price movements the ministry will take full advantage of the Internet .

    为提供价格走势分析,商业部将 充分 利用互联网。

  • Together they could take full advantage of the hardware 's capacity .

    它们集合起来 可以 充分 利用硬件的容量。

  • Then we can take full advantage of opportunities in a booming Asia and prosper .

    这能 我们 充分 把握欣欣向荣的亚洲所带来 机会,使我们保持繁荣昌盛。

  • To take full advantage of SOA enterprises are advised to establish or adopt proven architecture standards and governance processes to design and manage service assets .

    充分 利用SOA,建议企业建立或采用经过验证的体系结构标准和治理流程来设计和管理服务资产。

  • IBM has redefined collaboration to take full advantage of the potential that social computing and Web2.0 offer .

    IBM对协作进行了重新定义, 充分 利用了社会计算和Web2.0提供的潜力。

  • Facing the foreseeable international environmental pressure we should take full advantage of the opportunity by strengthen governance .

    面对未来可以预见的国际环境压力,我们 应当加强管制, 充分 利用好CDM的机遇。