take effect

[tek ɪˈfɛkt][teik iˈfekt]


  • You must quit and restart the encoder for your changes to take effect .

    要使更改 生效,您必须退出并重新启动编码器。

  • Close the CLP and open it again for the operation to take effect .

    关闭CLP并重新打开它,以使操作 生效

  • Properties will take effect on the next connection to this server .

    属性会在下次连接到这台服务器上时 生效

  • The problem has been corrected . Please close and restart open applications for the changes to take effect .

    问题已更正。请关闭并重新启动应用程序以使更改 生效

  • Changes will not take effect unless apply was selected .

    除非选择了“应用”,否则更改不会 生效

  • To make these constraints take effect we need to restart the application .

    为了使这些约束 生效,我们需要重启应用。

  • International sanctions were beginning to take effect .

    国际制裁开始 作用了。

  • You must restart your tablet computer for these changes to take effect .

    您必须重新启动您的tablet计算机这些更改才能 生效

  • Set to01 to make the cost take effect .

    设置为01,使成本才能 生效

  • Note a change to this setting will only take effect the next time you open a Messenger window .

    注意对这个设置所作的更改,只 影响您下次打开的“信使”窗口。

  • Measures to reduce costs are beginning to take effect .

    降低成本的措施开始 见效了。

  • Changes will take effect when you stop and then restart the server .

    在您重启服务后,改动就 生效了。

  • This change will take effect after the system is restarted .

    这个更改 在系统重新启动后 生效

  • The changes have been slow to take effect .

    变革已经 初见 成效了。

  • When do you think the new it regulations will take effect ?

    你认为有关信息的新规章 在什么时候生 意义

  • These changes will take effect the next time you connect your device .

    这些变化 在下次连接设备时 作用

  • The rules take effect in 2013 but will apply to certain payments from derivatives from this year .

    该法案将于2013年 生效,但从今年起,将适用于衍生品的某些款项。

  • The changes take effect when you resume the schedule .

    当您恢复该计划时,更改 立即 生效

  • For any changes in the config file to take effect you must rebuild and boot your kernel .

    配置文件中的更改 生效,您需要重建和启动内核。

  • You must stop and restart the instance for the parameter change to take effect .

    必须停止并重新启动实例,对参数的修改 才会 生效

  • The advantage here is that you do not need a reboot for the change to take effect .

    这一变化的优点是修改可以 立即 生效,不需要重新引导。

  • It can be seen that different cultural actions take effect on conforming to and protecting ecological environment .

    从中看出,土家族的许多文化行为对生态环境 着顺应和保护 作用

  • Restart the execution group for this setting to take effect .

    重新启动执行组以使该设置 生效

  • You must close and re-open the designer for this change to take effect .

    要使此更改 生效,必须关闭并重新打开设计器。

  • These options take effect the next time you open the mmc .

    这些选项 在您下次打开mmc时 生效

  • You will need to restart the server for this property to take effect .

    需要重新启动服务器才能使此属性 生效

  • You must restart the Routing and Remote Access service for this change to take effect .

    您必须重新启动路由和远程访问服务,这个更改 才会 生效

  • Both are still in the drafting process but could begin to take effect this month .

    两者仍在起草阶段,但可能在本月就开始 生效

  • The prescribed medicine failed to take effect .

    医生开的那药没有 效果