take breath

[tek brɛθ][teik breθ]


  • I am too busy to take a breath .

    我忙得 过气

  • Drink your tea and take breath and give over laughing : laughter is sadly out of place under this roof and in your condition !

    喝点茶, 缓口气.别笑啦:在这个房子里,在你这样的情况,笑是很不合适的!

  • It 's a long time to surf the internet I should take a breath .

    在网络上畅游了好长时间了,我应该 出来 口气

  • I was so bored that I decided to go to the yard to take a breath of fresh air .

    我在上面呆的实在是太无聊了,我决定要到院子 透空气。

  • He will not suffer me to take my breath but filleth me with bitterness .

    我就是 一口气,他都不容,倒使我满心苦恼。

  • You are too rush today calm down and take a breath .

    今天的你个性显的 急躁, 呼吸冷静 一下

  • After walking about a quarter of a mile they stopped before a detached house surrounded by a wall : to the top of which Toby Crackit scarcely pausing to take breath climbed in a twinkling .

    约莫走了四分之一英里,三个人在孤零零的一所四周有围墙的宅院前边停住脚步。托比格拉基特几乎没顾 口气,一转眼就爬上了围墙。

  • And everytime you take a breath !

    当你 每次 呼吸的时候!

  • A swimmer can 't swim under water very long because he must take a breath .

    游泳的人不能在水下游太久,因为他 必须 呼吸

  • Tactics matter and the combats will take your breath away .

    技巧和战术的运用将只在 转瞬之间

  • After a long training she stopped to take breath .

    在一段长时间的训练后,她停下来 休息一会

  • Life is not the amount of breaths you take it 's the moments that take your breath away .

    生命所追求的不是你活了多久,而是那 屏息的时刻。

  • It was one of those musical moments that can take your breath away .

    那正是那些能 你大为 惊叹的美妙的音乐瞬间之一。

  • No one but you knows your heart is racing so take a breath and try to calm down .

    除了你之外,别人都不会知道你的心正砰砰直跳,那么,你 应该 做做 呼吸,然后努力使自己镇定下来。

  • I need to stop sometimes and take a breath .

    有时我需要停下来, 呼吸 一口气

  • So just take a breath right now and ask God to tell you exactly what you need to hear .

    因此,现在就 一口气,要上帝明确告诉你你需要听到的。

  • 21.You take my breath away .

    21.你 窒息

  • Every morning I open the window and take a breath of fresh air .

    每天早上我都 打开窗户 呼吸新鲜空气。

  • If so he keeps turning his head to take a breath through his mouth .

    即便如此,他仍然 转过他的头部,用嘴 进行 呼吸

  • Life is not the amount of air you breathe in but the moments that take you breath away .

    生命不在于活过的时间,而在于那些 屏息凝视的瞬间。

  • And once in a while people may even take your breath away .

    偶尔,人们会 大吃一惊

  • Half-way up the mountain we stopped to take breath .

    我们爬到半山腰后停下来 口气

  • You steal my heart and you take my breath away .

    你偷我的心,你 屏息 赞叹

  • Take a breath pause then respond calmly and honestly without undue defensiveness .


  • Finally I can take a breath .

    我终于可以 口气了。

  • The exam is over so I can take a breath .

    考试结束了,所以我可以 口气了。

  • Any sunrise or sunset will take my breath away if you 're aside .

    只要你在身旁,任何的日出日落都会 神往

  • My love you take my breath away .

    亲爱的,你 拿走了我的 呼吸

  • On their stopping on a sudden to take breath for the fiercer renewal of the strife they saw some Vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first .

    就在他们突然停下 口气以展开新一轮搏斗时,他们发现远处的秃鹰正等着,看他们俩谁先倒下就吃谁。

  • I don 't hope I take another breath right now nor that I finish writing this sentence .

    我不会希望立刻 呼吸 一下,也不会希望我完成这个句子。